Chapter 36 - Here comes my knight with a shining shovel.

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Chapter 36 - Here comes my knight with a shining shovel.

Samantha's P.O.V

The smell... it was so strong.

I scrunched up my nose and tried to turn away my face from whatever that was glued to my nose, sending that burning smell down my respiratory system.

No, it wasn't Oreo's.

A few moments later, I could finally turn my face away from the source of the smell. However, it moved back to my nose. I was starting to get angry.

I tried to yell or talk, but my lips and my whole body was so numb.

What was going on?

I was in that state where it felt like I was dreaming, but awake at the same time. I didn't know how much passed before I finally opened my eyes and the smelly substance was away from my nose.

I blinked several times before my vision was clear. I found myself staring at a wooden ceiling. The smell of dust and traces of that burning smell lingered in the air. I turned my face and gasped when I saw him sitting next to me.

It was only then that I could remember what had happened earlier. I knew it was him when I saw the pools of blue before I fainted.

"What are you doing here? Where are we?" I asked looking around me. We were in what looked like a basement at the very top of the wooden house where I was kept by my kidnapper. There was a bunch of dream catchers hanging over my head and a lot of boxes crammed on each other around the room.

"Don't worry; we'll be out of here soon." He said. "As for what I'm doing here, it's a long story,"

"What do you mean? I need to know, James!" I almost yelled at him. "What happened to Miranda and Carmen," I asked.

"They're unconscious downstairs. Keep quiet, we don't want the others to find us," he whispered.

"Who do you mean 'we don't want the others to find us'?" I asked.

As if on cue, the sound of a bullet coming from the floor- which I supposed was the ceiling to the people underneath- scorched through the room. And there was a very loud banging on the door. There was a far noise of men arguing and people fighting.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"There's no time for explanations, follow me," he said quickly before he moved towards the small window at the farthest corner in the basement.

"What are you doing?" I asked when I found him getting out of the window.

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