Chapter 23 - I couldn't hurt an ant!

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Chap. 23

Sam's P.O.V

I walked down the hallway with Stephanie as we headed together towards the History classroom. I started thinking about that Biology project thing once again.

How was I supposed to talk to that Luke guy? He was Jason's friend. That meant he was a Jerk just like him.i've only met Luke once when Jason took me to his party, but I wasn't sure if we were on good terms. To be honest, I was scared of even talking to him about it.

Maybe Jason had a good side to him, but I didn't know about Luke.

I entered the classroom and took my seat. Which was right in front of Stephanie. The teacher entered and greeted us then he started explaining the lesson. However, I had a really hard time trying to Concentrate, though.

More things kept popping up into my head as more and more questions started to form.

My mind went back to the dance... Who was that person who kissed me in that hallway? I still had the note in my bag and I carried it everywhere. I knew that it was the silent boy. It had to be.

When you kissed someone, even once, you always remembered how did it feel with them, right?

But that wasn't the problem. Where the hell was he? And what brought him to my school anniversarie's dance?

What if it was someone I already knew? Everyone changes when they grow up. It was almost four years since I last saw him, note that those were the years where all out appearances changed. But what the hell brought him?

I was going crazy from all the thinking. Nothing made sense. Most of all his note... What did he mean when he said the "Hope you enjoyed dancing with him" part in the note. 

What did he mean with "Him"? I danced with like... four people that night. I didn't even remember feeling watched. Which one did he mean with him?

And then that other part popped into my mind once again, out of nowhere.

Just a reminder, you're mine.

I wasn't any one's. I was a free person and he had no right saying that. Mr. nameless was being rude out of the blue, and this angered me as well.

I was so irritated at the fact that I couldn't get any answers that would satify me. I hated questions. And I had too many going through my mind right now.

giving more effort into trying to irritate me even more, my dear mind gave me another question to wander along with the million ones that were swimming through my mind already.

Who attacked me in that alley the other day?

I felt like my life was an action movie. I was being chased by a psycho murderer. That was so weird and bizzare to me- or even anyone. 

Who would want anything to do with me? I barely knew twenty people in my whole life and I had no enemies. But then I had a blade pressed to my neck the other day, seriously?

I couldn't hurt an ant!

I really wished I could know who was that. I was even more confused when the voice was so familiar back in the alley. I knew that person, I was pretty sure I did. But I couldn't know exactly who.

I was snapped out of my trance by the voice of stephanie, "Sam, are you here?" She said as she waved her hand in my face. I blinked two times then I looked around me.

The teacher was collecting his stuff and the students were going out of the class. It was then when I realized that the class was over.

Wow... I've been thinking for a whole period?

I got up and smiled at Stephanie, "Yeah, sorry I was zoning out," I said then I got up, collected my stuff, then went out of the class with her.

We walked down the hallway until we reached my locker. Surprisingly, Stephanie's locker was close to mine. 

I was getting my book for the last class of the day when I felt someone's hand tapping my shoulder. I turned around and smiled when I saw Martina.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine, why weren't you replying to my texts?" She questioned worriedly. 

"I just needed some time away from everyone..." I trailed off but she spoke,

"About that, I really am so sorry, Sam. I really do, I-" She started but I cut her off.

"It's okay," I assured her with a smile.

She was about to say something when Stephanie approached me.

"Hey, I wanted to get a juice box from the vending machine before we go to class..." She startd but then she spotted Martina, who had an unreadable expression on her face. "Hey," She said towards Martina with a smile on her face, "How are you?"

"I-I..." Martina stuttered. Her face looked like she just saw a ghost. "I'm fine," She finally said. Though it sounded more like a whisper, but it was loud enough for Stephanie to hear.

"Sam, can I have a word with you?" Martina said quickly.

"It's okay, Wait here, Stephanie," I told her and she smiled back at me.

Martina dragged me until we were where I assumed was away from anyone's ear shot.

"Sam, do do you know who is she?" She said quickly, an uneasy expression was on her face.

"Uh, who?" I asked dumbly. What was she talking about. I was so confused.

"She's-" She started but she was cut off by a ceratain person's voice exclaiming, "Hello, shoe thrower!" Jason's annoying voice came from behind me, scaring the daylights out of me and almost making me go deaf.

I turned around and glared at him, "What do you want?" I snapped.

"You," He smirked and I rolled my eyes at him and started to walk back to my locer. "Hey, calm down. Just kidding, I was just trying the line," He said and I turned back at him and raised an eyebrow at him as I gave him my best 'really?' look.

I opened my locker and started rummaging in there and searching for a pen.

"I just wanted to tell you that-" He started but he was cut off when he saw something. Suddenly, his face hardened and he was frozen on the spot. His gaze was fixed on something behind me, almost glaring his eyes out.

I was so confused so I looked behind me, There was only stephanie who was writing something in her notebook.

"What the hell brought you back?" He asked. When Stephanie turned to look at him, her face went pale. It was then when I knew that he was glaring and yelling at her.

She approached cautiously then when she was about only one meter far from him, she spoke up. "My family lives here again, Jason." She said sternly. Her voice was steady and I was so surprised at her tone.

"You've done enough damage, why'd you come again?" He sneered at her.

"I've done nothing. It's not my problem that you don't believe me," She said, but her voice started to shake slightly right then.

"'cause you're a fucking liar, stephanie," He yelled. There was a crowd starting to gather already. And I was as confused as a nun standing in the middle of a 'Spencer's' store.

What was all that about? How come Martina and Jason knew her?

But then my thoughts were interrupted when Stephanie ran away and towards the girl's bathroom.

"What did you do to the poor girl, Jason?" I asked. I was so confused. He yelled at her and insulted her as if it was normal.

"She's a cheater, serves her right." He told me then he stormed away.

Everything fell into it's place like a puzzle right then, it all made sense to me, now. Why she looked so familiar and why Martina and Jason knew her. She was the girl I saw on Jason's facebook in the pictures.

She was Jason's ex girlfriend.


I walked quickly across the hallway. I had too many questions going through my head. Stephanie was a good person, I could tell. I knew a good person when I saw them, and she was one. I knew it.

I went right after her. I wanted answers. She said he didn't believe her, what didn't he believe? I was curious, and I was pissed off at the same time.

When I entered the girl's bathroom, I heard a series of faint sobs. There wasn't any one in there, but I knew that she was in one of the cubicles.

"Stephanie?" I called, but there was no response. Only the soung of the sobs got harder. 

"It's okay," I said trying to comfort her. I walked towards the last cubicle where I knew she was hiding and I pushed the door gently.

She was sitting on the closed stall. Her hands were on her face and she was sobbing violently. I felt sad and helpless when I saw her. I hated seeing people cry.

I approached her and tried to hug her. I smothered her hair and after a while, her sobbing died down.

I broke away from her and looked at her face. She had smudged make up all over her face. Her nose was red and she looked upset. I felt sympathy towards her.

I knew that she was supposed to be a cheater, I knew she was supposed to be the one who was left alone. But I didn't know why I wanted to hear her out first. It wouldn't be good of me if I only listened to what people say about her without listening to her.

I had a feeling that she needed someone to talk to. She looked confused and scared at the same time. I felt the need to help her. In anyone's eyes, this wouldn't be true at all. But I had the feeling that it might be true, after all.

"H-He would n-never believe me... Would he?" She wondered desperately. And I knew that she knew the answer to this.

But I knew that I had to make sure first, I wanted to hear her story. "Did you..." I started, not wanting to complete the sentence, in fear that it might be taken as an accusation towards her.

She shook her head as she choked out a couple of light sobs, "I didn not," She said. There wasn't any sign that she might be lying. But there weren't any.

"Then what happened?" I asked in confusion. If she didn't really cheat on him, then what happened that made him believe she did.

She took a deep breath and run a hand through her hair. "It all had started when I knew that we were going to move out in a week,"


Tyler's P.O.V

I walked out of the school and headed towards the parking lot. I was looking around for my Honda civic when I saw the most irritating person I could ever expect approaching me.

Seriously? Out of all the humans on the earth it must have been him?

I really wanted to punch him ever since what Mr. Hudson said back in the Biology class.

I was amazed at the irony, Parker in a parking lot.

What did he want to do, now? Throw a parking festival?

I sneered at him and he sent me a glare in return. Good to know that the hatred was mutual.

Will you ever stop being jealous of him?

I almost rolled my eyes at that dumbass voice as it popped into my mind again. I decided to ignore it and concentrate on the bastard approaching me.

"Hey, freak," He said. What the hell brought him here? He looked pissed off and angry and seeing him like this felt good. I hope that Samantha realized what he was and just kicked him or something.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice was laced in venom. I was trying my best to refrain from punching him like I've wanted since the dance.

"Just asking what will this bloody project be about," He said. I felt the need to commit murder when I remembered that I had to work on a whole freaking project with him.

"Guess what? I have no fucking Idea!" I snapped at him. And I hated how I sounded, thought and acted like a chick right now.

He rolled his eyes at me. Then eyed me as if I was an imbecile. I gave him a disrespecting look in return.

"And how would we get this shit over with?" He asked.

"There's no we doing this, Parker." I clarified. "I'd rather do this on my own, and I think I will." I finished with a smirk.

"Listen up, creepy boy," He started. "Just because you're acting like a smartass, doesn't mean you're the only one who can do school work," He scoffed.

I let out a humorless short laugh, "What are you going to do, then?" I asked defiantly, "Will you punch me? Is that the best you can do?" 

He huffed, "Whatever, Matthews." He glared at me, "You should freaking get it in your head that this project should be done by both of us!" He yelled as he threw his arms in the air.

I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. I wanted to punch him so bad. "And what are you suggesting?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"We both are aware that this Project will be handed in with blood all over it," He started then he smirked at me, his fists started clenching and unclenching.

I smirked back as I cracked my knuckles, "We might as well start now." I stated. I was just about to lung at him and give him a satisfying fit of punches on his face, when someone's voice cut off my thoughts.

"Tyler!" Martina's voice yelled from the distance. Parker had an amused expression on his face, I looked behind me and saw her running.

And let me tell you, my sister and running didn't really get on that well.

When she was closer, She slowed down as she approached me. When she sopped, she had her hands on her knees and she was panting.

She looked up at me. Something was wrong, I could tell.

"Tyler," She panted. "Nana..." She trailed of breathlessly.

"Calm down, you wouldn't be able to talk that way," Mr. nosy ass chimed in. I sent him a glare and he shut up. What did he think he was doing, any way? He ruined my sister's life. So he better not try to talk to her now.

When she took her breath, she spoke up. "Anna called me and said that nana was in the hospital," She said.

Anna was our nana's nurse. She always took care of her sugar rates and all that stuff. 

But my nana barely went to the hospital unless she was going to check up. I started to worry, this definitely wasn't good. At all.

"Hurry up, we've got to go there," I told her then I walked towards my car.

Seems lik punching Parker would have to wait a bit.

Hope you liked the chapter. I'm so sorry guys I didn't update earlier than this. I just had some issues. My puppy is pretty sick it got a rare disease. It's dying and watching it die had given me quite a hard time considering how much I loved him. Please avoid the mistakes I made in this chapter 'cause I wrote it hurriedly.

So, what do you think will happen next? What do you think was Stephanie's stroy? Was she lying and did she reallt cheat on Jason? What do you think had happened to Tyler's nana?

Check out the song at the side, I really love it ♥ >>

PS. For the latest updates and news, don't forget to like the Facebook page in the External link>>

Hope you enjoyed, stay happy! ♥

xo-Toka ;)

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