Chapter 20 - The 'Freak Your Friends' Award is Mine

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Chap. 20

Sam's P.O.V.

After Martina had dropped me off at my home, I walked down the street as I headed to the Penguin's café. I wondered what James wanted. There was no way I was going to believe that he just wanted to hang out.

I couldn't help but get that awkward feeling that I was being watched. I took long strides as I walked in case someone was chasing me like the other time. Which reminded me, I really needed to tell Oliver about it.

There were many things on my mind at the moment but I tried my best to push them away. My life was an absolute mess right now and thinking about it wouldn't make it any better.

I took a deep breath as I pushed the door to open it. I'm telling you, it took me quite a while to get used to not pulling this door instead of pushing it.

I scanned the place and I spotted James' brown hair as he sat on a table in a far corner. I approached him silently and took the seat that was opposite to him. He was staring into the empty space which told me directly that he was thinking hard about something.

I couldn't help but look at his features. James was good looking. His brown hair looked so soft but dishiveled at the same time. His blue eyes held a glint that I couldn't quite decipher. his mouth was pressed into a tight line as he seemed to be thinking so hard about whatever that was on his mind at that moment.

I cleared my throat to get his attention and it seemed like I succeded. He snapped out of his thoughts and his gaze bolted quickly towards me. He shook his head and then smiled at me. All the stress that was on his face earlier was gone now.

"Hey, Sam," He greeted me. I smiled at him and nodded in response.

"So, what's up?" I said casually. I knew he wanted to say something. There were those signs about him that I knew and easily noticed since I used to spend too much time with him.

"I've been thinking and..." He trailed off and took a deep breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose. His eyes darted towards me. He looked hesitant. I smiled at him in reassurance as a sign for him to continue.

"I really shouldn't be telling you this. And I know you'll hate me forever, but I have to tell you. You may not see me again after today, anyway." He said with a weak smile.

My heart tightened in my chest. What the hell did he mean? I was starting to get scared. Many possibities were running wildley through my head as a feeling of pure confusion rushed through me.

"What do you mean?" I whispered. I braced myself for the worst thing as he took a deep breath.

He opened his mouth and was about to answer me when we were interrupted by a waitress. Who by the way, couldn't stop batting her lashes off as if it was her job.

"Hello, may I have your orders, please?" She asked in a weird tone. I had the urge to raise an eyebrow at her but I tried my best to hold myself back.

We told her our orders and she gave us a grin and then sashayed away.

I looked back at James, "What were you going to say?" I asked getting back to the matter in hand.

"I was saying that-" He started but then again my phone had interrupted us as it started to ring.

"One sec," I mouthed then I looked at my phone. A confused expression came over my face when I saw that it was an unknown number.

after a couple of seconds, I decided to answer it anyway. I tapped the answer label and put the phone to my ear.

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