Chapter 10 - Enemies, Frienemies, Or Friends?

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Dedicated to @JanetJY for being the Awesome Fan She is :D and my first reader After My Bffa then my Other Bff :3

Again Everyone remember This story Probably has too much Grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes. I shall do the editing as soon as I finish it. :) So, Here's the new chapter! ^_^ :D


'I'll come in an hour' she had said. 

but she never came.

Here I was, Sitting on my bed. staring at the bowl of cold soup in front of me. I've been like this for the last 6 Hours. Ellie left after sitting for like 30 minutes and said she'll do some stuff with Them then she would come and we would have a girls night and all that crap. well, she probably wouldn't come. it was like 3 am, now. I felt stupid for waiting. most of all. why the hell was I acting like a jealous maniac? Don't get me wrong, I was not 'in love with her' or anything! I was pretty sure I was straighter than a pencil. I just wanted to spend some time with my best friend.

I sighed and put the bowl of soup away.

I laid down and took a deep breath. letting the sheets swallow me and starting to get comfy.

and then I heard a faint sound...





I got out of my bed to see the source of the sound. It came from my window. apparently, those birds that came in the morning had gone nuts. It was 3 am for god's sake!

I looked out the window and scanned the dark garden with my eyes carefully.

Hmm... no birds. then where the hell did this come from?

"Ow!! what the hell?!" I yelled as a shoe hit my nose. I put my hand on it and rubbed gently to ease the pain.

a shoe? seriously? what the hell is wrong with... whoever that was?!

"Sam! I ran out of pebbles!" I heard Oliver's voice yelling. I glared down into the darkness. "what the hell what do you want at this time?" I asked.

And seriously? he ran out of pebbles so he threw his shoe at my window?

Great... now I wasn't the only 'shoe-thrower' in town.

"It's an emergency I need a place to stay. the invaders are here! they're coming for me!" he yelled sounding more like a madman.

"What the...? why?" I paused the let out a sigh. "Okay, whatever. hold on, I'm coming." I said.

I went downstairs to open the door to a very messed up Oliver Green. His hair was a mess. He had a black eye and he smelled of alcohol and sweat, Which wasn't a good combination if you ask me. His eyes were bloodshot and his clothes were wrinkled. Wow, My best friend was absolutely a mess.

what the hell did he do exactly during these... what? six hours?

"Hola, Samz! it's been too long!" he said grinning like an idiot then he hugged me while giggling like a maniac. was he drunk?

"Oliver, what the hell had happened, where were you? and wait, are you drunk?!" I said as I untangled myself from him.

he giggled "Nooo, Just a few shots. ahahaha, I'm just... feeling all Nananana nana" he kind-of-sang-while-dancing then shook his head as if trying to hold his sober a bit more.

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