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Aahna :

Power .

A five lettered one word which helps so much emotions behind it . This simple word can make people loose so much within a blink of eye . This word makes people bow down , sacrifice so much even their self respect and much more .

I've always loathed this word as much as I hate the person who holds these words as if that gives them the right to be an A class asshole.

People can't even count how many people use this words to fulfill their desire , vengeance , hate , and much more than that .

Right now I was looking at the girl who held this word with pride no hint of shame was seen on her face , the same girl who wore such a pretty smile that I felt bad for loving the guy she might have been associated with in past .

But now , she is nothing more than a sorry excuse of living being .

She blinks , smile stretches .

" Didn't you hear me ? Should I repeat ?" She asks .

I'm done being their bully but the power of crown can not only destroy me but my brothers as well . Her mother already hates my guts , she'll be more delighted to help her daughter against me .

So keeping my trap shut for once I just stared at her .

Edward was frozen , Oliver looked simply pissed whereas Christian was about to create a hole in his sister's head .

" Come on chop chop !! You wouldn't want something to happen to your sweet brothers who're just down the road in school . Oh goodness what if something happens-" I strangled cry escapes my lips hearing my brothers name and her possible threat to hurt them .

" That's right , get up and clean this sweetie !!" She hands me a napkin and hold it a little to hard for my nails to press deep in my palms .

Just as I was about to get up , Oliver holds me down .

" She won't do it . I don't think you've realized or not but I had made it Damm clear . She's MINE , My girl friend which makes her just equal to me and dare I say anyone of you , including you princess . Touched her or did anything to her or her family , you'll have to face me ."

He turns to me , eyes softens .

" Let's go , I wanted to take you to this new cafe !'' he grabs my hand and throws the napkin on a now seething Zeenat as we push pass Edward who surprisingly had a small smirk present on his face .

He stops when we reach his car .

My heart was still in a bizarre as I keep remembering his words over and over again . Is it bad that I like him ?

" I'm sorry , are you okay ? Don't take her wrong she wasn't like this and ___ oh God ! I don't know why she did that !" He grabs my face in his hands and looks straight at me which makes my stomach to do somersault.

" You need to keep up the lie I just said there or else they'll find ways to hurt you , okay ? Let's keep pretending to be in love or something !"

Okay ! Ouch !!

Second time in a row but I can't possibly blame him . He did it for me right ? He was trying to protect me and it was his way of doing so ?

Besides I can I even possibly think that he can be in love with me or imagine my future with him . He's the Stars in the sky where else I'm just a miniscule dirt on ground .

I kept my gaze forward and ignored the little sting in my heart .

I've to accept that me and him are a big no and get over my stupid crush on him .

The day ended with me getting a bonus and I brought ice creams for my brother who simply loved that small gesture . Their happy faces made me realize that Al this commotion is nothing infront of them .

I don't want them to go through the troubles I've been and for that I need to graduate. So that's what I'm gonna do .

Oh ! How badly I want to gift them the world.


Thank you


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