Epilogue ❤️ Edward

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Edward's pov :

I heard each and every word she spoked to me . She hasn't given up yet . She tells me daily how much she loves and misses me . But here I'm fighting a  fragile fight which I'm meant to loose . My body has given up I can feel it .

I want to fight for her . But I'm exhausted. Fighting and fighting and fighting, surviving ? Surviving is all I've done since I was younger .

I've fought to survive and here I am finally with the girl who made it all worth it and still I can't survive for her .

I do not know what happened or what miracle came but I was awake and she came . Tears glistening her pretty face . She was crying yet she was looking ethereal. Too precious for this world .

When she came forward to hold me in her arms I knew my body has finally taken enough and now it's time to let it go . It has endure more than it should.

I hug her and kissed her , she tried to tell me and share her strength  , her kiss told me she isn't giving up and is fighting for me , for us but how can I fight back now that I'm completely exhausted.

So I don't tell her . That night was last with her in my arms , with her breath fanning my neck and with her so contently sleeping beside me .

Next morning I asked my father for a pen and paper, telling him to write the words I could barely speak and gave that to him for her and finally did something my body was begging me to .

I took the machines off me . Her smiling face was the last thing I saw before my eyes dropped and heart stopped.


The letter Aahna  swore to never opened until her last breath is this ❤️

Love ,

I don't know if you'll forgive me for what I did or not . I don't know if you'll read this it not but all I know is I'm sorry .

I'm sorry for so many things .

The first time I met you , you had fear in your eyes I thought it might be because of my reputation but when your eyes trailed to the spilled drink I knew you're not afraid of people but rather than something else .

The next encounter made me pissed , you were smiling , it was the most beautiful smile ever but who was it directed to . To the women who made my life living hell . So what could I do ? Hate you for it .

And then we met again ,I knew destiny is playing it's stupid games .

But by the time I started to mess around with you I knew I was infatuated with a girl who's eyes threw fire and her words acted as acid . Who was far below then us but made me feel she's superior in so many things .

You made me feel how to live even in shortest resources and how to be happy in small stuff .

So when you saw my dad in his Pathetic form I was sacred . Sacred that you'd realize how weak I really am and how much of a coward I'm so I did what I could best bully you.

Make you feel that I'm not weak and put my mask up again .

But still you helped me . Helped me getting my friends back , helped me fighting back to that vile woman , helped an unlove child feel love and want.

So I'm sorry for everything. Our story was meant to have a happy ending. Our story was meant to have Stars and glitters , roses and dates , kisses and cuddles. I wanted to treat you like a Queen .

But fate . Fate and my badluck messed my chance with you .

So I'm selfish and asking you to move on . I know I'm culprit here , I made you fall for me and now I'm leaving you in middle of nowhere asking you to start all over again with another guy .

But you deserve you . So go fall in love . Do everything you want to . Go live a life you wished . Do everything you want to . And when you'll finally got it all and it'd be the end I'd be waiting for you .

In next lifetime , in next universe or in next Galaxy for all I care . We'll start over again , we'll start where we left off . And this time I'll make sure to fulfill my promise to you .

Until then please forgive me and keep doing everything to forget me .

I'll love you and only you . Until you come again and make me fall all over again with you.

Yours ,
Edward ❤️

This would mark the end of this book .

I've finally completed this book 🙌.

Thank you all for the support and love to this book ❤️.

The next book in bullying series will be up soon and I'd put up the description here so if you'd like give it a try as well 😊

That been said .

I love you guys ❤️

Thank you once again .


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