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Aahna :

Next few weeks were hell. Emerald took days off and went over to Amsterdam to her aunt from mother's side. The whole scandal was waved over portion luckily , she wasn't the one to be blamed for it at her home. Because it was all doing of Annalisa,  Em  , hence was allowed the leave.

Edward was a different story. His glares were now more prominent and his insecurities were showing. He was nowhere Torchering me every chance he got and it looked like he was waiting for me spill all his secrets. Which I don't know why is a big deal. He's in love with the girl he's supposed to marry,  it's so simple.

Christian was weird. He was acting as if the world will perish if he made eye contact with me. He made sure to be not be in my presence at all. And maybe I've a idea what it is all about. But still he was acting weird,  like some boys were verbally mocking me and he just glared at them as in to stop bothering me. I don't even want to know why he's helping me but it was good for a change.

Oliver was skipping. Well,  ever since  Em left he's skipping and to be honest I already knew. He only came for Emerald and now she been gone,  he has no reason to attend. I was a bit sad about it but he made sure to accompany me whenever he came. We ate lunch together when he came.

Annalisa made everyone to keep a track of me. Like I felt I was been stalked and I was also tripping and falling a lot more but I ignored it. Whatever brought me peace was welcome sight. Though I had scraps here and there,  nothing few band-aid could heal .

Now it was time for my favorite lecture. English. Lit. I was the most exited one for this. The teacher was good and didn't turn deaf to the bullying. I wanted to try my luck in writing so I wanted the best score I could get in this subject. Emerald will be back On Monday and it's already Friday. I was excited to see her soon.

She made studying here better.

I was Tripped as soon as I entered the class. I made sure to be here 10 min before in order to avoid any bullying but looks like  they've made a timetable.

I shrugged and stood up. Honestly I'm all used to this,  falling and kissing the floor, now it hurts less. I've bruises on my knees and hands and even on forehead but nothing a concealer can't hide.

As soon as I stand up,  I was showered with flour but it smelled gross,  they've mixed something.

Next I see with clouded eyes,  people were standing in a line till my special assigned seat in middle so that everyone could Torcher me as they wish.

Everyone started to throw things on me and I lost count of what it was. To tired to do so. My uniform is barely wearable and I can't afford a new now. Looks like I gotta handwash it again.

" Tsk tsk tsk tsk. Look who's here guys,  the charity case! " I'm starting to hate her voice as well. She sounds as dying hyenas.

" Girls!  Let's see what you've got? " suddenly 4 bulky looking girls. God,  I can't even say they're girls they look more like men came forward and soon I was being kicked and punched. Right and left.

No one and I mean no one dared to come forward to help me. There was a freaking silence in the class room.  As if a girl is not been beaten to pulp.

I made no sound of pain as well and I guess that agitated Annalisa more.

" It looks like I've wasting my money feeding you all. Hit like you mean it. " she shouts so loudly that it must've have reached Canada.

God,  will I get out of this alive ?

'' What the fuck is going on here? " Edward. Oh God,  now even he will take his chance to smile at my misery. I hate being a damsel in distress.

Coughing blood out I try to stand but failed miserably.

This shit hurts. Damm.

Suddenly a hand grabs me up and another holds me firmly by its side. Edwards side to be precise. I look up at him to see him glaring at his fiancee.

" This is over the line,  Lisa "

She rolled her eyes at him.

" It seems you've taken a special interest in her,  Eddy. " her voice was threatening and I was immediately transported back to the conversation he had with his mother. He needs Annalisa but his side to survive.

I left his side in and instance and tried to stood by my own.

" What is this mess ? Oh dear,  are you okay child? "

Mrs. Jennings looks back at the guilty faces and her face turns red with anger. She hates these spoilt rotten kids more than anything.

" You guys have cross all boundaries. It's about time I punish you all. "

The class was silent. Honestly they don't give a shit and  she knows it.

" If not then you guys have to bring you authorised parent at school to meet with principle for some disciplinary action. You Edward will have to bring your mother. "

I hear him take a sharp intake if breath. His mother is his very own nightmare.

He can't do the punishment, it'll taint his so called reputation and neither can he bring his mother.  Honestly I'm starting to pity the guy. Oh sweet lord.

Thank you


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