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Okay officially the last chapter before Epilogue ❤️

Ik I'll be blabbering but it's been a long and rough ride . I was intend to unpublish this book so many times but idk what made me go through it till the end . Ig I connect to the characters in some ways.

Anyways here's a shout-out to each one who's been here since the start and gave me hopes of completing this books . So thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️ For a writer , their readers review is like Kryptonite and when I see that maybe this is a shit book but still people gave it a try is enough to swell my chest 🥺



Aahna :

" You're done ?" Invigilator asked astonished.

Well I don't blame him . I'm submitting my paper half hour before but I just give it up and smile at him before exiting the halls.

Finals are here . It's been a whole month . Porm came . Dance came . And now soon Graduation would come . Edward wasn't here with me in any of those but I still did not loose hope . He'll be here for my graduation . He has too.

" Morning ,Ms. Aahna !" David greets me .

Edwards father has been successfully restored back to his healthy self . He had a hard time adjusting with everything but he soon came around and he gave me his blessings and now David is kind of my personal driver .

Who drives me to my love .

Edward has been in coma since the day he had that attack . I still spend my time with him . Thanks to his dad I've now a stable internship at his office which allows me to work from home or hospital.

Andrew came back . The boy was in tears and kept blaming himself but he couldn't stay . He had a life back in New Jersey . The reunion however was full of tears and empathy.

I walk down the hallway as now I've memorized each corner of this hospital. Nurses gave me smiles which I returned. I could see the pity in them but it didn't matter.

I open the door and there he laid . Lifeless the only indication that he's alive was the beeping of machines .

I walk closer to him . My hands resting on his cheeks  dragging down his face . He still looks the most perfect man I've ever seen .

" Tommorow is our last paper , you're lucky you'll get enough chance to give finals . These papers are tough . Kevin came out as gay and now the whole thing is a mess.  His father now wants Chris to handle the royal matters but he's not ready and it's draining him and Emerald. I don't think she's ready to be. Queen and all . Zeenat and Oliver will come by later. You know bullying has almost stopped now . People send you love and all . I miss you Edward , please wake up baby !" I place a small kiss on his forehead before getting my laptop and starting to work .

My days goes like this . Me sitting and talking to him while working and getting no response but it's still better then not having him by my side so I'd choose this over anything else.

Suddenly his machines beep louder and my breath hitched. I pressed the button for nurse and soon his personal nurse and doctors came rushing in .

I was send out but my heart was still beating harshly.

What felt like agonizing period of time the nurse came back with a sad smile on her face .

" Go in he's awake !" A big smile took over my face and I rushed to hug her before muttering hundreds of thank you and rushing in .

Those eyes . Those eyes were staring back at me . How I wish I could see them  daily .

I walked slow afraid if I lost one moment with him , he'll disappear.

" ..h..hey...ba..ba..by..baby!" He Crocks out. His voice didn't held that power now but that's understandable. His voice was tired just like his eyes . He was fighting. For him and for me. I respect him for that .

" You're so strong Ed !" I whisper but he hears it . A smile slips up his face and I sigh in content. This is all I ask .

Him with me.  Smiling and happy.

" Come on kiss me , I want to feel those lips " he says brokenly and immediately dashed off to him .

Carefully grabbing his face I lean in . The Sparks.  Electric shots all over my body . This is what I've read in those rom com it was happening with me . All my hardship of life seemed too little if this is what my rewards was .

His kiss felt like he was trying to fill a gap. His kiss was full of longing and I yearn for it but deep down I knew he was tired . Tired if fighting and tired of living. He was exhausted but his kiss was still there telling me that he's there .

So I kissed him back . With all the love and support and strength I could muster up . Telling him that I'll be waiting at the end of tunnel just for him no matter how long it takes . My kiss was a way to tell him to not give up . To stay with me . I'll take care of everything. I just need him by my side in whatever state he is .

I felt him slip. I felt it in my heart but the feeling of his lips moving against mine made me stop all those thoughts.

He was here with me , alive . And at the moment that's all what's matter . He's just here with me .

So that night we kissed and hugged and cuddled. Not knowing and caring what yesterday has to bring . I'll have my last exam and then I can spend all my days with him .

I heard commotion outside. Our friends and family were here , I meant Edwards dad . They stood out talking to the doctor for ages before coming in .

I felt weird.  They usually let me have my days and moment with him but today they seemed stubborn.

We all stayed up that night talking and listening to Edward speak and thank us for all we did for him .

I don't know when I dozed off or when I reached school for my last paper, my heart felt heavy leaving him there alone .

His words played in my head. It felt like a goodbye.

I'm sorry I couldn't give you anything. Our relationship went haywire before we could start anything. Please do your very best in exam and get your dreams fulfill. I'll be waiting at the end for you to join me no matter where I'd be , I'll always come back for you . I really love you Aahna !

He surely meant hospital right ? That's where he'd be waiting for me .

Right ?

I felt my heart 💔

Heres the last part and now adios amigo until Epilogue which would be soon .

Thank you


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