It's a date

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I had a giddy smile on my face the next day to school .

I just couldn't wipe it out but even though I was happy , I couldn't exclude the feeling that maybe this is again some sort of prank or mischief he planned for me.

To humiliate me into thinking about being with a guy like him and that feeling sat down at my stomach when I saw him standing a little too close to a girl for my liking.

I could feel the waterline fill but I held back .

I can't show him that his stupid kiss and words really wreck me .

I can't show him that he has power over me .

So I held my head high and walked past him to my lockers.

He didn't followed , even if he saw me he didn't and I my stomach churn . I wished I was wrong with my assumption this time but I was yet again proved right .

So I settled for my initial plan , that was to maintain distance from everyone.

So I did that , I didn't say beside Emerald as I used to , the poor girl gave me looks throughout the lecture or I didn't fist bumped Christian when I saw him during walk to next period .

I asked to change my seats when I was partnered with Oliver for Chemistry .

I was trying hard to stay out of their ways and it showed .

Edward. He was a complete different story . I didn't need to hide from him , he was doing that favour to me .

As soon as he'd see me , he'd change his path.

Was it all just a dream or my imagination.

Even if he played with me to humiliate me why isn't he getting over with it . Why to drag it ?

I was frustrated and angry at myself for letting it happen.

How can I even for a second think that a rich and handsome boy like him be liking me?

I was stupid so stupid .

It was lunch now and I knew Edward was waiting for everyone to be presented . He must be waiting for everyone to be there when he laughs at my face .

So ignoring my heart saying that I should rush off to the stadium to hide off during my lunch but for better judgement and getting over with it , I make a beeline for cafeteria.

The usual chatter went around , I could see the table I'm getting used to be sitting on . Emeralds eyes light up when she sees me . I walk past them to the corner table .

I felt bad . It wasn't any of their faults and I'm making a huge fuss over it but I did .

Sitting down I brought my lunch and started eating as if I'm not dying inside . My anxiety was eating me up .

Edward was yet to make his presence known and I was dreading.

Suddenly the chatters stopped . I wanted to look up . I needed to see what made them stop but deep down in my heart I knew it's Edward and he must've been making his way over to me for the humiliation .

How could I be falling for my bully ?

Footsteps got closer and suddenly I was pulled from my table into a pair of arms .

His hands tightening up, his scent weirdly making me calm when it should have the different effect. I should be repulsive but I found myself leaning on his chest .

But his chest was moved away from , the warmth was immediately missing and making me yearn .

I finally open my eyes to see him on his knees .

" I wanted to ask you out today but then I remembered what I've done with you . I made your life hell since the day we met and for no obvious reason . I was being an asshole wasn't I ?" A sad chuckle leaves his mouth and I felt my heart in my throat.

" I guess I was taking out on you . You know my hate . I guessed I hated the fact that I had it all and you didn't but you somehow seemed to be Happy with whatever you had . I was weak and I wanted  you to be the same . But the more you stayed stubborn the more it made me feel weak ."

" I felt that I need to make it sure , make you feel that I'm above you but no . You Aahna , is the strongest girl I've met .''

" I'm willing to risk it all for you . I'm weak , very weak . I need you to make me strong . I need to you make me feel that I can be strong like you . I need you to make me complete . I want you to be there with me at every turn, at each steps ."

I wasn't even knew that whatever he was speaking was tuned out from the speakers , which means whole school could hear him .

I was busy staring at the boy I was strangely falling fast for .

His eyes had unshed tears and I wanted nothing more than to grab him and hug him until he makes himself free from all heaviness.

" So will you Aahna , give me the pleasure to take you out on dates ? Not one but infinity until you say yes to be my girlfriend and make me the luckiest man alive ?"

And who was I to decline a proposal so cute ?

So I said what my heart screamed and my brain declined for .

" y...yes...!"


Thank you


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