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Aahna :

I fell on my knees the moment my eyes land on him . He looked peaceful.

Sleeping contently , his face almost resembling the moon . He was really ethral .

" Aahna..." My eyes snaps to Oliver . He was beside him on the sofa provided by hospital. He instantly walks to me and in a minute his arms are around me .

A sob escapes me in his safety cocoon .

" Why ....why me Oliver ? Why can't I be Happy for just once ?" My voice trembles a little.

" He'll be fine . We're looking for donors . We'll make sure he's okay . Nothing would happen to him . Keep faith and calm " he whispers , door creeks open again and I only assume the two girls must have followed me.

" Calm ? Calm ! C...Al...m" I wreck myself as I repeat that word over and over again. How can I be calm ?

How can they expect me to be calm ? How ?

The guy I love is in dead bed and this ...this is what I should do ?

Suddenly a coughs wakes us all from out thoughts and we all look over to him .

His eyes were staring back at me . It held guilt .

Which means , he already knows.

" Baby " I sob louder when he's weak voice reaches my ears .

I fling myself on him . A hug , keeping in mind not to tighten it as he's current situation.

He's weak yet trembling hands reach my back .

" Let's go " I hear a voice and soon the door closes.

" You can't leave me , Edward ! Not after everything you've done to me . You made me fall in love with you ! I can forgive you for tormenting me but not for leaving me . I won't . You hear me . You've to fight back and get well soon ." I Mumble.

My tears were now freely falling.

" Shh....be quiet love ! " His voice held a deep power which made me shut up .

" I'm gonna fight , if it were old situation if have rather died but now ...now I have you . You're worth everything. I'll make sure it's me you end up marrying okay ? I need you to be strong for me love !" He says and I look up .

His lashes touched his cheeks as he looked down at me .

" You're beautiful " I say .

He chuckles at me and says , " says the most beautiful girl I've ever seen "

He rubs his fingers down my face and I close my eyes feeling the warmth .

" I'm really sorry I wasn't there whe-" I cut him off

" Wasn't your fault, don't blame yourself. I'm not a weak girl . I can handle it . I'll make them pay for it ." I say .

" That's like my girl " I smile at that and he raises his Brows .

" I like the way it sounds , your girl " cue the Damm blush . I hate how body works.

" If you blush so easily how will you manage been called my Wife ?" I glare at him.

" I won't hesitate  to hit you "

And then I don't know who leaned first or who initiated but soon we were kissing on the Damm hospital bed.

Deep within we both knew days won't be easy from now .

But all I knew was I can't survive without this guy .

Just maybe 2-3 chapters left

Thank you

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