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Aahna :

" You better have a good reason to ignore us the whole day !" Those were the exact words Em's lips left as soon as I met her halfway through the hallway .

" hurts !" I shriek trying to get away with Emerald's hands off my ears .

" Speak . Up !" She says.

" I was just thinking-" she cuts me off.

" Why'd you even try to think when we both know there's no braincells up there ,huh !" She says .

" Okay . Ouch !" She leaves my ears only to pull me in for a bear hug .

I swear she's the most emotionally unstable person I've met .

She has mood swings worst then a pregnant woman.

" Don't ever do that again . No boys should interfere with our friendship. Did I ignore you when you were parading around wearing Christian's shirt ? No ! That's right because , it's us who's important. Boys lack sense anyways !" She says in a muffled tone.

" Hey ! That's offensive and I'm here only " Christian shouts and soon another pair of arms surround me .

" What she said . Hoes before Bros !"

" Does that makes sense ?"

" Shut up bimb , it does !"

" What did you called me ?"

" Bimb , I heard it somewhere !"

" Kids these days , tsk tsk tsk "
I was securely rescued from the bantering duo.

Looking up I saw a warm pair of eyes staring back at me . He back hugs me tightly , another thing between me and Oliver . Were now comfortable with each other . We talked about his earlier tantrum and he apologized profusely for acting as a dumb rich revengeful brat and claimed that he's still very much in love with Zeenat .

Even more now , that he learned all the miscommunication and now he's ashamed in facing her .

" I understand why you did what you did . No need to apologise for trying to keep yourself safe . I know we didn't started on the right foot . It's not everyday thing to be close with your bullies . Give yourself time to heal . It's okay to keep distance when needed . Just know that we are all really sorry and we'll be patiently waiting for you at the end of bridge of the trust we've broken . No matter how long it takes .okay !"

This guy is straight from books I've read . The boy has way with words .

I hug him back words failing to express my feels .

The rest two have been watching us with a smile , their banter long gone .

" Okay , enough with the sappy shit . You've a date tonight bitch ! We need time to get you ready . Move that ass of yours ."

Emerald practically starts to pull me towards the exit and not even giving me time to say bye .

They both chuckle at my expression which I'm sure must be screaming bloody Mary.

I failed to hear a soft mummer of , " A date you say sweet sister . I'll make sure it doesn't happens !"


Preview :

I sat there encaged in his arms . His eyes were deeply gazing mine .

This is it . He's going to say it .

I could feel my voice stuck in my throat .

Just as he opens his mouth . We hear different cars screeching sounds .

And suddenly he was lifted away from me .

I heard the click of heels and in front of us stood my biggest nightmare.

A women who's a snake in reality.


Thank you


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