What's a friend

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Aahna :

Annalisa was long gone by the time we reach .

She left her baggage for us to fend and just went claiming she had her driver came to pick her up.

It didn't ease the uneasiness I was feeling for making a girl leave in dark all alone .

I wouldn't feel better until I see her alive and okay.

As the clock strikes 12 we all put up the muffins we had gotten in a plate and a candle on top of it .

Needless to say it brought normalcy back which faded when Anna left and I came in the arms of my supposed enemy .

I wanted to give my gift to Christian but seeing all the expensive stuff he had gotten I simply held my pocket and shrugged embarrassingly as if I haven't brought anything. It was far better then comparing or getting pity glances .

The night went along with Emerald giving me a told you so look and we slept off all the exhaustion .

Christian opted to drop me off much to Edwards liking.

Zeenat was snoring off in the back . The girl looked tired as hell.

"She's a princess in real . She has never experienced the camps and living in tents and stuff . It took a toll ." Christian explains as we neared my dainty  house.

Unbuckling my belt I exit the said vehicle only to see Christian doing the same.

" Did you miss something ?" I ask , going through my stuff to make sure I haven't taken any of his mistakenly.

He rushed forward and puts his hands in my pocket and removes them even before I could understand what exactly happened.

" You were gonna take my gift with you ? I'm hurt . I gave you the whole ride thinking you'd give me but seems like I had to snatch it away !" He excitedly opens the small box Making me wonder is he really excited or just doing it for my sake .

He eyes open wide as he opens the box .

" Holy shit !" He grabs the bracelet  and held it up for me to see.

I made it personally for him which costed me a fortune.

" H...how ?" His voice was thick with emotions.

It made me feel somewhat better that he really liked it . Like he can't exactly fake his emotions , right ?

" I heard your conversation with Kevin  about how you'd like to wear jewelleries and have peircings and tattoos. So I thought why not I give you the first one !" I say .

The bracelet was nothing special as per say , it was a charm bracelet with little infinity sign , a football , leaning tower of Pisa and a small E .

It was the things I knew he liked and some empty space for him to add .

Christian couldn't exactly get peircings or jewelleries because of him being a Prince and his Religion as well being a factor . So I thought of a middle way .

Boys in our society are made tough , they're told that crying isn't good , wearing jewelleries is too girly and loving a boy is shameful act . If they take care of their body it's frown upon ,like makeups are just for girls but it shouldn't be like this . They're human too and allowed to do whatsoever they wish for.

This patriarchy is harmful for boys as much as it is for girls and if we can show the boys in our life how they mean to us despite of societies ideologies , we should do that little part . To make them feel love , they also need that pampering , care and affection we sought for.

" Everyone is allowed to do whatever they wish for , Chris . Just because you're a boy and a Prince doesn't means you need to put your dreams and desires aside . There's nothing wrong  living for yourself. I'm sorry for keeping it away , I thought it's too cheap !" I was really embarrassed though .

Next thing I know I'm in close embrace.

" Thank you , a million times thank you . It might be cheap for you but for me  it's the thoughts . You understand me and that's what matter . I'll cherish it for the rest of my life , my dearest partner in crime ." A small kiss is left on my head as I see genuine affection in his eyes .

And I felt all my paychecks were worth this smile .

I felt I just made a beautiful friend.


Thank you

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