first day

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Aahna :

As soon as I see him,  I stop dead at my track and immediately hid behind the pillar I was holding. After few seconds I peep to see whether he left or not only to see his car moving out of entrance. And the jerk was nowhere to be seen.  Thank God!  But seriously that's The first thing you show me on my first day here.  I needed good luck not bad one.

" Hiding now,  are we,  princess? " I hear the all to familiar voice of a guy I pissed second after coming here.

I turn to see him deadly close to me. He had a wicked smile on his face and somehow he makes me more feared than that other jerk. What am I even talking?  They both are the epitome of jerkiness!!!!

I push him away to make some distance and he chuckles at my action.  I didn't wanted to do so but there's a thing called personal space and I tend to have it.

I just turn back and started to walk in the direction of school when a hand grips mine and I'm pulled back in his arms. I look up at him frustrated.

" What do you want,  Your Highness. "not forgetting to emphasis on that word. He was pissing me early In morning.

Seeing them both and to think of spending a year here is a Nightmare in its own way and now they've started too soon. I try to pull my hands off but to no avail.

"You're the only one to pipe interest in my besties after so long.  You made him show emotions he's been best ignoring for so long.  Only other person than me to do so. I'm not leaving you alone,  princess. "

He grips me harder.  I can't understand a word he says just wanting to be away from him as soon as possible.

"No. Ones going to help you keep away from me here.  Welcome to your own personal hell,  princess."

What did I ever do to face all these?

He leaves me away to face the now questioning glances of the fellow students. Must be curious what made the Prince talk to the new student. I put my head down and walk to my locker. Hoping this day ends soon.


" You sure it's a girl? " I heard a voice.

" Yes!  I saw her myself.  He had gripped her hard and was talking to her. And she's new here. Even I don't know her. " another voice said.

I was sure by the last sentence that they were talking about me so I started to shut my locker in hopes to rush in class and avoid another interaction with another idiot. I was done with this day already.

" There's that girl from morning. " a person shouted suddenly and started to move my legs fast.

" You.  Stop. Right. There. " an all to familiar voice said.

I cursed all I could in my mind.  Hating my luck to make my day miserable just in few minutes,  God help me what will happen in whole one year.

I stop where I was,  still not moving to turn around hoping he'll let me go.

"Turn around. Now " oh God.

I did as said and made eye contact with those emerald eyes.  Those same eyes I've gotten used to so soon. 

He's face was emotion less but still I saw a hint of shock on it before he quickly masked it.

" So you're the new girl,  who interested the Prince. "

He's acting as if doesn't knows me. Well that's good I guess.

" Yes. " my voice was monotone. Mirroring his expression.  I was used to hide my emotions so it was nothing new.

He walked closer and each step of his was a death sentence for me.  His eyes held anger and his steps were calculating.

" Well what interests him,  interests me. So welcome to hell,  love. "

And then he moves away gesturing me to leave and I don't waste a moment to do so.


There's two lunch break in this school. Eight lectures one after first lecture and second after fifth lecture. The first one is for fifteen minutes just to wake the mind up and then second is the real lunch break.  Luckily my first lecture was ended without any more commotion.

People steer clear of any kind of talk with me and couldn't be more gracious for that. I thought of grabbing a cup of coffee because of lack of sleep and rising early today. I did not wanted to be in bad books of teachers on first day.

People stop to looked at me as soon as I enter the cafeteria which did I mention was huge.

He had large chandeliers and huge tables with the best interior a school student can wish for . It was fitting. I ignored all the glances before moving up to the lunch lady and asking for the cheapest coffee she smiled and did so.

Before I could leave the cafeteria to find a place for my peace I Was tripped and all the coffee felled on me. Making my hair and shirt wet due to coffee. It's going to stain. I had only two uniforms given from school .

Looking up to see the culprit I see a girl. One word she was the definition of perfection. But had that wicked smile.

I was so done now.


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