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Aahna :

Luckily I've brought Edward where I wanted him to be but as soon as we neared the door I started to sweat profusely.

I've somehow managed to clear stage one but what about next stage ?

How am I supposed to push him in and lock the door from outside?

I'm gonna be a dead meat once they both leave the room .

" Are you okay ? You seem anxious?'' Edward asks concern clear in his voice but what caught my ears was a person failing to hide his snicker.

I'm killing him for this . Just you wait Christian.

" Oh -o..ohh!! Nothing nothing at all I'm fine . Would see at that ? That room seems empty let's go in there !" I whisper in case Oliver hears us .

" Sure let's go !" He waits for me to go in and I curse mentally. Not the time to be gentleman Edward just go in .

" YEAH .... so go in ...I'll follow" in say hoping he'll listen but has he ever listened to me ?

Ding ding , we got a winner . NEVER.

" You go first !" He's really stubborn one.

I pray and hope God that he'll let me live as I squeaked a loud apology to Edward to which the poor boy raises a brow in confusion before pushing him in and closing the door immediately.

There was complete silence for two minutes before all hell broke loose.

Christian got out of his hiding, laughing too loudly and a amused Emerald behind her .

I glare at them both before I could feel the vibration of door banging throughout my body .

Boy ! They're pissed .

" If you know what right for you , open the Damm door love !" He's voice was calm but I know he's a raging bull right now.

" What's going on Emerald ! What is he doing here ?" There was absolute disgust in Oliver's voice to which I shrinked back.

God I'm sure I'll be a dead meat once they're both out of there .

Surprisingly, Christian was unbothered by all the rukus these boys were creating and he shouted in a demanding tone.

" This door is not going to open unless you both assholes speak your fucking heart out with each other . There's some snacks and water in there . Enjoy the night lovelies !" Saying he grabbed us both and basically dragged us out of school which was now going to close .

He gave few dollars to the gate keeper and pushed us in the car .

No one cared to speak a word .

" You think they'll let me say goodbye to my family before killing me ?" Christian voices in a fearful tone and it immediately makes me and Emerald look at each other .

Have we perhaps made a mistake !

If Christian is so afraid of the outcome what about us .

Oh Lord !!!


To say I didn't slept a wink last night would be so unfair to my last night struggle .

Edwards and Oliver's phone was safely tucked in my bag and I was figgeting whole way to school .

We had decided to meet earlier before anyone else comes up.

I see them both standing at the gate .

" Thank God! I thought I'll have to go all the way to kidnap your ass . You took your time coming." Chris says .

" Stop with the sass , let's go see them !" Em smacks his back and he winces .

What we were about to see was something I've never imagined.


Thanks ,


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