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Aahna :

I just stood there staring at the picture infront of me.  Emerald came beside me and holds me whereas Oliver goes upfront and tears the picture off wall.  He looks back at everyone and they instantly stopped staring.  His eyes were leaking with fury.

There wasn't much in the picture , I was covered. It  didn't showed much but the thought of someone going to this extreme was beyond my beliefs .

" Step away,  why are you all blocking the way to cafeteria? " Edwards says from behind me.

Suddenly a hectic looking Christian comes running off my other end of the hallway. His hand consisted of same poster.  His eyes looked sad.

They really amaze me. Stupid spoiled brats.

" Wouldn't you know,  Mr. Heinrich? "

I turned to look at him. His eyes had bags under them. As if he hadn't slept all night. Like I care.

" What are you on about? " he acts so clueless as if he doesn't knows what his fiancee did.

I started to laugh. And a loud one at that.

" Did you and your stupid fiancee really thought doing something will make me run away?  That was low Mr. Heinrich even for you and that fake lover of yours. "

I walked towards him.

" You wouldn't know the feeling of being disrespected or going through something like that. You don't have a sister neither a mother you care about,  so what's womens respect and dignity for you, right? "

A wave of gasps is heard. Even Oliver tugged me back to stopped but I had it today.

" You're just a spoiled little rotten brat who is not happy with his life, but guess what Mr. Heinrich, no one is. None of life's here are easy. We all have monsters to deal with and you're just making it hard and hard for us. We know you can probably buy us but please just please stop this stupid little game of yours. It's getting hard to keep forgiving you. 

What you did today was out of fucking line. You really don't know what will hurt and how will it? 

Making a girls dignity a public display is all you're taught -"

He grabs me by shoulder and puts me against the lockers. His grip was firm no matter how much I tried I couldn't get out of it.

" Enough. Don't you dare act as if you've known me all my life. I have no idea what is happening here but you can't go on my fami-"

I got my hands loose and I did what I was craving for.

I slapped him. Hard. The place went dead silent.

No one dared to speak a word.  No one said anything, too shocked I guess. Edward stumbles back, his eyes never leaving mine .

I was breathing hard with all the commotion.

" You bitch  ,how dare you-" I stopped Annalisa mid way by grabbing her hand and gave her a slap as well.

" You're the worst Annalisa. You love a guy and he doesn't reciprocates it?  Well get the fuck over it. You can't stoop so low for one fucking dick. " I pushed passed them inside the cafeteria and grabbed a plate before going and sitting on the sound called populars table.

No one moved for a bit. They thought I'd leave but no today I'm ready for whatever comes my way.

Edward leaves and soon Annalisa follows him.

I couldn't eat. Pushing the tray behind, I stood up.

" Aahna-" I raised a hand in Emerald's way in a motion to stop her. I really don't want any words from anyone.

I just walked past them. I'm tired. I don't want to go home to see my stupid broken family Niether do I want to stay here in their gazes. I just want to disappear from the face of earth.

I just want to-

Suddenly a hand grabs mine and I'm being brought out at the parking lot before being pushed in the car.

Edward comes to sit in the driver seat and then we're riding out of the school premises.

Oh God!  I felt all my self confidence going off.


Thank you

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