The relations

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Aahna :

You don't exactly get used to a broken family. Yes!  Of course,  you can get okay with it but never be used to it.  Everyday even if you hear the same fights,  same profanities,  same hate and even every passing moment you realize that there's no way you can fix it but still you hold on to the last hope,  yes you can't get used to it but be okay with it.

People say sympathizing  words,  some may say how fucked up we really are,  same maybe say we're over acting but it's only the person who has to go on daily basis seeing the only people mattering to them break,  drift away,  be separated. Being in the same perimeter yet so fucking far away.

So no,  no matter what a person say,  deep down we know it can never be normal and one can never get used to it.

But we still hold on with a hope maybe one day it'll go back to normal,  I've read tons of books claiming that people loose hope but I never agreed.  No matter what,  you can't loose hope when it comes to the word family.

Today I learned that it's a common thing among the riches as well. Seeing emerald made me feel weird.  I don't know why but hearing she's going through a same family problem made me felt a security that I'm not alone and it gotta be wrong to feel that way.

Luckily yet,  no one has pulled any pranks on me,  yes people gave me looks seeing me with Emerald but nothing more than that.  I'm yet to witness those two people as well because the third one was walking straight to us.

" Really,  Emerald.  I knew we're too much for you to handle but stooping so low to be associated with these  must be a new level of lowlife thing. " Annalisa said.

I frown at the impact of Hatered when she mentioned me but brushed it off.  I'm already okay with her princess tantrums so it really doesn't matters.

" Got,  nothing else to with your precious time Anna? " Emerald barely looked at her while grabbing her books.

"Well,  someone has to report your and your brothers doing to my parents and your legal guardian.  And I'm sure they won't be too pleased to see whom you've gotten associated with. "

My eyes widen at the new found information of her being cousin to Annalisa. But that really sucks,  I mean Annalisa must've to know that her parents hit Emerald and yet here she is threatening her to complain about it to them. How brutual can she be,  honestly?

The loud shutting of locker door pulls me back from the thoughts as I see Emerald,  eyeing Annalisa up and down basically mocking her with the look of i-don't-give-a-fuck-and-i-would-like-to-see-you-try kind of.

For the first time I saw someone making Annalisa squirm. Even those two couldn't make her look away as fast as a simple look from Emerald made her .

"Do that and say bye to your precious pampered life Anna. And another thing keep my brother away from your filthy paws or I swear to God the conclusion won't be in your favor. "

She turns around grabbing my hand and we walk to our lectures.  I refrained myself from asking her any questions. I know how important privacy is, I wouldn't like people asking me about mine so I stopped long back to ask others about theirs.

I had my first two lectures with Emerald and it went smoothly. Soon we were in gym room sipping  our coffees, for our first break.

" You know , Anna isn't as bad as she seems. She was indeed my best friend when we were young but her family took away her innocence , shoving her forcefully in the world of power and fed her mind that the wealthiest man she marries will make her the wealthiest and respected. And soon she got drunk with power. "

I just nodded at her.

" Do you know why she hates me so much? "

She chuckles at my question and feel myself frowing a bit .

" I'll tell you once I'm confirm with my theory. " I could just nod again.


Lunch rolled in soon and I was not so thrilled to go back where I basically humiliated myself on my very first day but Emerald was so not going let it go and soon we were in the line to grab our lunch.

It still amazes me that I didn't have to pay for this amazing foods.

I was about to sit beside Emerald, she said she used to eat with her brother but he's absent today so it's just us. As I kept my tray on the table a hand covers mine,  making me spin around .

I came face to face with Christian. He had a boyish smile on his face and I'd have fallen for it if I didn't knew how much evil he really is.

" Hey, princess. Haven't seen you for a while!  Oh God!  Didn't I tell you to say my name when someone bully's you except for me the other time? " I nod at his question.

" Then why is there a God awful cut on your forehead? " I made makes contact with the cut and feed him with the same excuse as I did with my new friend but unlike her he didn't questioned it.

" Well,  come on.  Let's have lunch then,  why hello there! My dear fiancee " I choke on my own saliva.

Did I heard correctly?  He said fiancee?  I look over to see Emerald grounding her teeth and boy did she looked dangerous.

" Stop calling me that Christian. We are no fiancee's,  hell we are not even friends " she says calmly but I sensed her fear beneath.  She knew this is inevitable.

" You and I,  we both know that's true but whatever floats your boat,  fiancee. " Emerald stabs the pasta with her fork glaring daggers at Christian all the while.

I  was confused but kept quiet.

Again when I was finally going to eat another hand stopped me. The touch itself made me realize who it is.

Edward Heinrich.

" This is no place for you peasant,  you sit there. Come on. " he showed me to a seat with a bench in front but just one chair infront. There was a tag on it.

" The Charity Cases ."

I gulped down in fear.



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