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Aahna :

I stood in the middle of noway. The town was asleep,  few flickers of lights were here and there. No one was on road except for some animals. 

My head was killing me and the wrist watch was telling me it's already 4. I checked my phone,  there was no call from home. Either they didn't noticed or they just don't care.  The later one seems a better guess.

My mind was void now. I just didn't feel anything so I walked. Where was I going I didn't knew but I just walked. 

A cliff came in view after few tiring hours.  The sun was about to rise. The scene was pretty,  calming as if there's nothing wrong with this world. But the reality was way different from this,  this world is ugly, very ugly. And I just wanted to leave this place and life for good now.

I was now close to the edge. Falling down was so tempting,  just one more step and I'd just end it all in one go.  Wind was chilling, I was probably cold but it didn't mattered right now.

My mind has one question. Why it's me,  why it's always me?  What did I do to deserve this? Why me?

I know I know, life isn't easy for anyone. Everyone has a hard life going on but my capacity to hold was getting low and low.

" I thought after last encounter with Edward,  you're brave but it seems like you're just a coward who's now regretting ever saying those words to Ed! " my train of thoughts stopped me.

I turned so fast, I thought I'd get a whiplash. There in his jogging suit was Christian. His forehead knitted together and dripping with sweats.

His eyes went from up to down and it suddenly occurred me, I haven't changed since I left school. God I must be looking like a mess. My hands on instinct goes up to my hair and by touching if it. It looks like a bird nest.

" You had a rough night! " he wriggles his brows . Oh God. He thinks I.. I

" Iiishhh....get your head out if gutter. It's nothing like you suggest. " saying I made my way to go.

" Wanna talk about it? " I looked at him ridiculously. Is he for serious?

" Thanks but no. "

" I'd be there to save you,  don't worry! " he shouts.

" Good thing I don't need savings,  Christian. " I say over my shoulders and leave.


The house was eerie quiet when I reached . Looks like everyone is still asleep. I started to make my way upstairs when my mom comes strolling down with wet hair. She looks at me and then says.

" You're ready for school?  Get that hair straight,  it's a weird fashion! " and she leaves the house.

That women.

My clothes were ruined and I had wasted the money for uniform so I opted to go for disciplinary actions and took out a worn jeans and black plain T-shirt and wore them to school. It has to do. 

I reached school in exact time for the first break to be over. I really hate this first break thing . As soon as I stepped my foot inside school hallways,  every eyes turned to me. Oh okay,  so yesterday was not a dream. Goodness gracious!

Ignoring every look I made my way to lockers. There was a stinky smell coming from my locker. The sight was unimaginable. My locker was leaking with wet waste of cafeteria and some garbage. Used tampons and pads and condoms were stuck of the locker door. Whereas it was leaking even though it was locked. Great way to start my day.

Good thing I take my books with me everyday I leave school and the locker just had some supplies and stuff which was not so important.

" Garbage should know where garbage should stay! " Ugh,  that annoying ass.

" You'd know that the best,  wouldn't you Annalisa,  seeing you spend all your existence in  wastelands! " I brushed past her.

" You useless dirt bag ! "

" Wow,  your father was saying the same thing when you were born! "

" That was cool! " Emerald emerges beside me. I was still flustered about the position I was in with Christian yesterday.

" Em... I... Actually.... No.. I mean-"

She laughs at my state and says," It's okay,  Christian is a jerk. He's not gonna ruin things for us okay. You're my homie and he's a waste of time! " we made our way to the lecture. I told her everything that happened past weeks and she was so sorry for the way Edward and Christian acted.

Oliver was back to school now , he's not skipping. It was lunch time . The hallway was silent,  dead silent.

I'm so used to every eyes being on me, but today they had a weird look in them. As if they can see through . I was feeling utter uncomfortable. Emerald holds my hand a little tighter.

" What's with the look? " I don't know Em,  I don't know.

" Look away people! " Oliver shouts from beside us. People surely look away but the gaze still lingers.

Okay,  something is not right.

As we turned the corner, there it was. A picture which seemed to be snapped on the day Christian saved me from Annalisa. The day where they torn my shirt. It was just me in the picture,  luckily I had my sports bra on.

My face was flushed with redness and unshed tears in the pictures. A big red spray paint was used to write the word SLUTS NEED LESSONS!

I couldn't breath, that explains the weird looks. They.. They!  Oh God.

For the first time in my life I felt naked in front of someone.  I had my clothes on,  I did nothing wrong. I was being wronged and yet I felt I was the one at fault.

Sometimes nakedness is an emotion.


Thank you

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