turmoil of emotions

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Aahna :

I wanted to ask him. I wanted to know where we were heading off but his stoic expression and clenched jaws made me gulp down. My hamstring were now visible on his face and I suddenly felt bad for hitting so hard. I mean it must've hurt.

Soon the car stops at the same park I was last night. Where I drank and fell asleep. I was so blessed that I wasn't seen by some wrong people or I'd have been in so much trouble. I was saved by luck. This area is a bit risky for girls at night time .

He again opens the door and leads me inside by grabbing my hand.

The silence was dreading.

" Do you usually go getting drunk out of your mind everyday?  Or was I blessed to see it yesterday? "

" Look I'm not sorry for hi-" I stop midway when his words finally registered in my brain.

He saw me last night. My goodness. Did I do something weird? 

Suddenly I couldn't look at him in face. I was embarrassed as I don't remember a single fucking thing. Issh I knew getting drunk wasn't the best idea.

" What cat caught your tongue?  Do you have a bit of idea how unsafe this area is for women's. But no you just had to go get drunk and runn off from your problems!  That was your best way to tackle your situation with me? " he grabs my face and makes me look up at him.

Here I thought he'd give me a thrird degree for slapping him but he doesn't seems much bothered by it, instead hes more what can I say.... Concerned?

" You just said me that every person has a hard life, we need to get over it. Doesn't that Rule applies to you as well? "

I had no answer. It was the first time I did something stupid. It wasn't just because of him but my mom as well but he didn't need to know that.

" Don't give me preaching about life. I can do whatever I can with my life as long as I'm not hurting anyone. " trying to get my hands release from him but all my attempts goes in vain.

He pulls me more closer to him,  to the point that our nose are almost touching. 

My breath just got knocked out .

Have I mentioned the fact that he's handsome?  Looking up from so close all I can see his long lashes , perfect jaws and a beautiful pair of eyes -

" I don't know.  I really have no idea. Why?  Just why the fuck I'm so anxious because of you. I don't even know you that well and still you drive me crazy. " his grip on my waist tightens.

" Everything you do or happens with you makes me do weird stuff,  I haven't done in long. Just who are you to make me feel such turmoil of emotions. "

I was flustered and confused. I'm sure my cheeks must've turned a lot darker shade of red by now.

" I want to stay away from you so bad. I don't want to do anything with you. Don't even want to acknowledge your presence but you just keep popping up everywhere. " his hands made a way to caress my cheeks.

My eyes shuts on its own,  God is he trying to kill me?  And what the hell!  Why am I feeling this way. I open my eyes again. To see him looking at me in a way to send my stomach in knots.

" I'm trying to stay away, help me do so. I can't have this feelings and I know you don't want as well. So please stay away. I won't bother you and you won't bother me. "

He releases me. And I felt a genuine part of me yearn for his touch. Goodness!  I'm going crazy.

He starts to walk away. It's already time for school to leave. Well Atleast he saved me hour and more walk to school.

" And also,  I wouldn't stoop that low, I've a sister as well. " he drives off saying that.

God!  Way to make me feel confused and guilty at the same time.

" And who do we have here? "I turned to the voice.


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