My girl

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Aahna :

I was still quietly sitting beside Emerald as I see everyone else being seated quietly in their given or assigned seats .

The judgemental glare directed to me was visible to me .  I was afraid to even breath as the Queen was still pissed at what Edward has said to her .

As soon as she greeted Em with her taunting voice we were all summon to the sitting area which was fucking huge as in a lot huge .

She didn't even waste a second before screaming the hell to me .

" A girl like you shouldn't be allowed with Elite kids like them !"

" If I had any idea about this whole charity thing I'd have never let Christian go there to study . Likes of your termites who infect out kids brain . Tell me how did you managed to brainwash a smart girl like Emerald to become your friend ?"

No one spoke a word and I stood there staring straight at her without flinching or blinking . This isn't something new , her kids have make me go through alot more and I've listened these words from my own friends and family back in India . So I'm quiet used to these harsh words or as they call reality check .I had urge to tell her that I wanted nothing to do with them and it was them who were behind my ass but I refrained myself from doing so .

My brothers are still my priority and giving them a good life is my ultimate goal , so for the sake of it I kept quiet .

" Did you sleep with Christian -"

" Mother !"

" Don't raise your voice at your mother Isaiah ! Don't forget who am I and who are you ! This is what you are doing in the states ?"

" I let you go there despite the objections from the subjects and this this is what you do there and misuse my given freedom ?''. The disgust in her voice as she mentioned me made me gulp down . I was being humiliated . I was called here so that she could humiliate me .

" You Kevin , why does this picture looks like the soon to be King is having a affair with a mere peasant ! WHY ?!!"

I flinched at the last word .

She moves forward and stands right in front of me as her hands painfully grabs my hands and she starts to shake me .

" How many more boys did you sleep with to get your way in that school  -"

" Mrs . Wellington !" Oh goodness Edward was here . His eyes narrowed down to her hands which were still clasped around me . He started to move towards us , behind him was Olivier .

This is the first time I heard someone call her By her last name but one second isn't Christian's last name something else .

" I'd suggest you take those hands off my girlfriend before I do something I'd regret !" All heads whips up to him as he said those words or particularly one word .

Even the Queen was shocked at his words as her hands started to slip down . But she soon recovered .

" I'm sure your mother knows about you having a girlfriend when you're already promised to marry Annalisa !" I flinched at the words as it pushed a painful fact down my throat and smug look made it clear that Edward has lost it before it even started .

" And I'm sure your subjects knows about how you're fucking you're own brother in law ?" That made her take a step back . My eyes immediately went to Christian and Kevin hoping the news must be shocking but to my surprise it wasn't , indeed it looked as if Christian wanted to laugh .

They have such weird families .

Look who's talking .

Shut up brain .

I'm your conscience but whatever .

Isn't that the same

" How dare you -"

" No how dare you , this is the first and last time I'm telling you . My girl has zero interest in either of your boys so keep in mind that you keep your hands off her !"

''Whats going on in here ?" A voice books behind us and I see a man with the girl Zeenat coming our way  . The man was old enough to be my father and was clad in traditional Kurta with a Golden half jacket and lots and lots of jewelry over it . He looked like a king and I guess he was because everyone bowed down to him .

" Oh my !  Is that my boy Chrissy !!" He opens his arms and I see Christian eyes light up as a kid on Christmas as he jumped up in his arms without a fail . It was a heartwarming sight .

" Let's have a seat and chat , shall we Miss . Aahna !" He knows me ?


Thank you

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