[21; unravel]

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You were happy.

Just a few weeks prior, you remembered feeling nauseous at the prospect of who your soulmate was. You'd been so intent on fighting against it with all you had, unwilling to accept things for the way they were. But that was different now. You no longer felt that sense of unease when looking in Katsuki's direction, or thinking how the universe was wrong in matching you up with him.

Now, you could honestly say that you were thankful to have Katsuki as your soulmate.

"You seem chipper," Uraraka remarked. "Something good happen these last two days?"

"Well...you could say that."

You chuckled to yourself, prompting a quizzical frown from the brunette. Your short break off from school had come to an end, and you were now on your way back to class. The two day transitory period had started off as a means to rest, but looking back on it now, you'd pretty much just hung out and texted with Katsuki the whole time.

Not that I can complain...

Still humming gleefully, you slid open the classroom door and waded in with a bright smile on your face. Uraraka hadn't bothered to pry into things too much, but you figured she knew you were referring to Katsuki anyways. You actually sort of had the urge to flaunt the dress he'd bought you; just knowing that he'd been the one to get it for you made you giddy every time you thought of it.

Izuku greeted you with a smile, but you were already scanning the room for those ashen blonde locks. You spied him sitting at his desk; Kirishima was trying to speak to him and was being blatantly ignored, which made you smile to yourself. It seemed like some things would never change.

I wonder if he'd get annoyed if I went over to say hi...?

You were worried that he might just shrug you off, so you were surprised when he tilted his head and nodded in your direction. His facial expression didn't change much, but it seemed like he was happy to see you. Well, Katsuki's version of happy, at least.

Already, you were mid-stride and ready to head towards his desk, but your teacher had other plans. He arrived late, as always, but his steely glare was more than enough to send every student back to their seats. Aizawa strode towards the front and promptly declared that today's class would for formulating hero codenames.

"Oh," you mumbled, smiling faintly. "That's easy, then."

After all, you'd already decided on your hero name way back. Even now, you weren't entirely sure how you'd managed to narrow it down to something so specific, but from now on, you would be known as—


"Ooh, interesting name!" Midnight appraised. "Does it tie in with your powers at all?"

You flushed a bit, suddenly wary of all the eyes on you as you displayed your board at the front of the class. "Well...yes," you smiled. "It sort of refers to an angelic being, with a higher-level power—since my Quirk has to do with manipulating light, I felt like this sort of association would make sense. I mean, I'm probably going too far by comparing myself to an angel...but I'd like to become a healer one day. I wanted my hero name to be kind, and gentle."

"Oh, not at all!" Midnight dismissed. "I think it's a lovely hero name. The fact that you're trying to send a message about what kind of hero you are through your codename—it's an excellent choice, [Name]. You're headed in the right direction."

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