[34; the walls we face]

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It was the day of the practical exam.

All nerves and anxious feelings aside, you'd managed to get through the written test without much of a problem. You knew you'd passed, and that you'd probably gotten a good grade too, thanks to Katsuki's tutoring. The only thing still standing in your way was the ever-so-ominous battle evaluation, which had you more on edge than ever before.

From what you'd heard, it wasn't supposed to much different from the U.A entrance exam—eliminating as many robots as possible in order to accrue points. If that was really the case, then you could relax a bit, but as you made your way over to the testing grounds and made note of the countless teachers all lined up, you somehow realized that things weren't going to be quite so simple.

"Sorry, all!" Nezu had popped up from within Aizawa's cloths, and proceeded to lower himself to the ground with a wry smile. "I know you were all expecting something different, but for various reasons, we've decided to change the layout of the exam, starting today!"

The students all gaped back at the furry, white animal; Kaminari and Ashido looked particularly shocked. They must've been in the middle of an early celebration, poor things.

You sighed wearily, casting your head down.

Please don't say we're fighting the teachers, please don't say we're fighting the teachers, please don't say we're fighting the—

"We've arranged for each of you to separate into teams of 2-3 people and go up against one of the pro heroes from this group!"

—I fucking knew it.

You nibbled on your bottom lip, casting a sideways glance towards Katsuki. He was positioned just beside you, looking relatively unfazed as to the new information. Well, seeing as he hardly ever got nervous, you weren't too surprised. He definitely didn't have to worry about passing, but you, on the other hand...

"We will now announce your matchups," Aizawa went on, ignoring the groans and wails of despair of his students. "A lot of decision-making went into this process, including your fight compatibility, differences and similarities, teamwork, and etcetera. First off will be Todoroki and Yaoyorozu—they'll be going up against me." He half-smirked, eyeing the two down with black irises.

"The following group consists of Bakugou," Midnight stepped up to continue; your ears perked up almost immediately, "and [Name]."


You snapped your neck back towards Katsuki, unable to hide the grin that had broken out across your lips. He flushed a bit, taking note of your excitement, and hurriedly nodded his head to second his enthusiasm. This was the best possible outcome, really. Sure, you were a little worried that you might hold him back, but at least if the two of you were together, then you could definitely cooperate and—

"Midoriya will also be a part of your team." Eh? "And as for who you'll be facing...."


That voice alone spoke for itself, but still, you looked up, and found none other than All Might towering above you. The roof of your mouth dried out in an instant. You shot a glance towards Izuku, whose face had gone pale, then Katsuki, whose brow had begun twitching furiously.

His crimson eyes were burning, and so was your soulmate mark.

"Do you guys wanna sing a song, or something...?"

All Might chuckled wearily, glancing back at all three of you from the front of the bus. Since your destination was a bit further away, you had to drive up towards the test site. Suffice it to say, there was total and utter silence in the vehicle, and each boy was seated on nearly opposite ends.

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