[50; shut down]

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It seemed as though your soulmate mark was in its terminal stages, a few smudges away from fading altogether. You'd been going to Recovery Girl for checkups lately, because no matter how much Katsuki would scoff and tell you he felt fine, getting a professional's opinion surely couldn't hurt.

"Everything looks normal to me," the heroine smiled, stepping away from the blonde's frame. "I've yet to notice anything off when either of you have come to me, [Name]. I know it may be a difficult request, but try to take your mind off it."

You heaved a sigh of relief. The relationship you had now was built around the two of you focusing on one another and not trying to predict the future, but as expected, it was still hard to quell the fear festering in your chest.

It was getting close—too close.

"See?" Katsuki frowned. "She says everything's fine. Like I told you. Unless you've been feeling sick, then there's nothing to worry about."

"Well, no... I haven't been."

"Then just relax." He sat up from the stool and tousled your hair. "We're fine, [Name]. Things are good."

Things were good. You couldn't deny that statement. If something were to happen, you'd agreed long ago that the two of you would face it head-on—together.

"Okay," you smiled, eyes brightening. "Thank you, Recovery Girl. I appreciate you taking the time to do this for us so often."

"It's no problem at all. Happy to help."

You left the nurse's office and made your way back to the dorms. The Provisional License exam was right around the corner, so your classmates were either training their butts off (i.e. Izuku, Todoroki), overcome with nerves (i.e. Uraraka, Jirou, Yaoyorozu), or idling around doing even less than usual (Kaminari + everyone else—but mostly Kaminari).

"Heyyo!" Mina greeted, nibbling on a pocky by the couch. "You guys wanna hang with—"

"Piss off, raccoon-eyes."

Katsuki flipped off the pinkette and trudged through the communal quarters with purpose, all the while dragging you by the wrist. Normally, you would've protested, but truth be told you were far too exhausted to pull another late-nighter. Lounging around in your room and heading off to bed early seemed far more appealing.

"Did you do all your homework?" Katsuki asked, watching as you flopped onto your mattress almost immediately.

"Mmn," came your muffled reply.

"[Name], don't be a lazy butt."

"So what if my butt's lazy? I'm too tired... let's just sleep."

He sat down on the edge of the bed and patted your head. "I can't sleep with you. We'll get into a load of shit."

You let out an exasperated sigh. What was the point of the two of you living under the same roof now if you couldn't even sleep side-by-side every now and then? Katsuki was certainly not averse to stirring up conflict and bending the rules a bit. Well, perhaps he didn't want you to get in trouble either, but...

"We'll sleep together one day, right?" You propped yourself up by the elbows, gazing hopefully into his crimson eyes. Katsuki's brow relaxed just so.

"'Course, babe. We just gotta do it so we won't get caught."


Smiling up to your ears, you bounced up and sprung into Katsuki's arms. He wheezed, the very breath having been knocked out of him. Eventually, two strong arms fell around your back and squeezed you tight.

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