[15; to challenge]

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In spite of the fact that your so-called "discussion" with Katsuki hadn't gone over very well, you decided to try and focus on the upcoming round. You'd returned back to the mess hall—Izuku had also made his way back, and was sitting with your friends. Uraraka asked you both where you'd gone, and each of you forced a shaky smile and told her that you were just getting a breather. As usual, she frowned, unconvinced, but decided not to press you any further.

Before long, it was time to commence the final event—a tournament.

Back inside the stadium, Midnight briefly explained that you'd be taking part in one-on-one battles, in separate brackets; the winner of the finals would be crowned the "champion" of the Sports Festival. She had you all pull lots, and before long, the results were displayed up on the board.

Your first round would be up against Ashido, the bubbly, pink-haired girl in your class. If you recalled, her Quirk had something to do with acid, so you'd have to steer clear of her palms. You'd also heard that she had pretty good reflexes, which worried you a little. But the biggest issue was—


A little distance away, you spotted Katsuki staring up at the board with furrowed brows. It was evident by the stupefied look on his face that he had absolutely no idea who his first opponent was, even though you'd introduced her to him before. Well, that much was to be expected. On her end, the brunette looked horrified by being pitted up against Katsuki in the first round. Her usually flushed cheeks had all but turned white, and she couldn't keep from letting out a soft whimper.

Normally, you would've sympathized with her, but as things were, you just couldn't. Because the fact of the matter was that if Uraraka lost, you would also have to face Katsuki in the second round, and you had a feeling that he wouldn't hold back on anyone—not even his soulmate.

"Well," you sighed, slumping your shoulders. "This sure sucks."

"Tell me about it," Uraraka whined. "Best case scenario, we'll have to face each other, which means there's no way that both of us can advance. Worst case, well...we both get utterly destroyed by Bakugou-kun."

"Someone tells me it's going to be the latter."

"D-don't say that, [Name]-chan! You're making me even more nervous...!"

She playfully slapped you on the arm, and you let out a soft chuckle. It really was a shame that you and your best friend were stuck in the same bracket; against the most intimidating student in your class, no less.

I'm probably just overthinking things. I doubt Katsuki-kun even cares who his opponent is.

You were given a short period of time to partake in recreational activities, so as to take your mind off your nerves, but you had a feeling that it would just be counter-productive. Sighing loudly, you decided to actually take a stroll through the forested area this time.


You jolted in surprise. A hand had clamped down onto your wrist, belonging to none other than the infamous blonde. Katsuki was staring back at you with narrowed eyes. He didn't look particularly irritated or mad; more so solemn.

"What is it?" you answered calmly. As things were, you were still feeling much of the tension from earlier. You were surprised he'd actually gone out of his way to approach you first.

"We're in the second round together," he stated matter-of-factly. "So...you better not fuckin' lose right off the bat. I wanna fight you fair and square."

His fingers pulled away from your skin, and he shoved both hands into his pockets before walking away. You just stood there motionless. You wanted Uraraka to win, that much was obvious, but you also...wanted to show Katsuki that you could be strong.

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