[45; wither away]

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You'd never pictured yourself as the type of hero that would steal the stage; be in the so-called "spotlight". A gentle Quirk. That's the way people always described your powers, and in all respects, you agreed with them. You didn't have much offensive power to begin with, but if you could be of use to others—the braver, stronger heroes—you thought it would all be okay. This, too, would be a way to make your mark.

Perhaps that had been your cowardice speaking.


Maybe you'd never had any intention of standing on the front lines, risking it all, and laying yourself bare.


Yet still, there was something inside of you. A faint, budding desire. A gentle flame that would surely die out if left untended. But it was there, all the same. Even if you didn't feel as strong as the others, even if you didn't share in their self-confidence... you wanted to become the kind of person that would put everything on the line for victory. Determined, passionate. Stubborn, undeterred. Strong


Like Katsuki.


You blinked wearily. The corners of your eyes were stinging, and it took considerable effort to keep them pried open. The familiar scent of disinfectant burned at your nostrils. A hospital room, no doubt. A hospital room, and a disheveled blonde male whose eyes were watery and red.

"Katsuki-kun." Your voice sounded scratchy as you said the words. You winced a bit, trying to prop yourself upright on the bed. All of your limbs were aching.

He hastily shook his head. "Don't try to move too much, just... goddammit. You little asshole. Who the hell do you think you are, scaring me shitless like that...?"

"I'm... sorry."

"Sorry's not good enough. Moron."

"I know, but—"

In an instant, he was upon you, strong arms cradling your frame. He was trembling ever-so softly. You didn't know how long you'd been out for, but he'd surely been waiting right by your side, the whole time. You were in a hospital room, after all. If so, that could only mean that All Might had succeeded in his rescue. Either that, or you were both dead.

"Stupid [Name]," Katsuki muttered, squeezing you carefully so as not to cause you any pain. "I thought you were supposed to be the calm one. What the hell was going through your head, trying to pull a damn stunt like that? You could've fucking died. You know that, don't you?"

You hung your head, letting it drape across the crook of Katsuki's neck. "Of course I knew that. There was no guarantee that I'd be safe, even if they accepted me into their alliance. It just didn't matter at the time. I wanted to make sure that you at least would get out. I thought maybe... I could protect you."

He gripped you tighter.

"And that's why you decided to push your powers to the point that you were dripping blood?"

"I didn't know it would hurt my body that much. I'd never made a shield like that before."

"So you decided to test it out in a situation like that? Fucking great."

"I wasn't..."

He was angry, that much you could tell. It wasn't as if it was unwarranted, though. You had behaved recklessly, and you were fully aware of that fact, but you weren't lying about the element of fear having disappeared from the equation. At the time, you honestly thought you would be okay dying. If you could save Katsuki, it was more than enough. You cared for him so much that it was the honest-to-god truth. And you knew what prompted people to put their lives on the line like that.

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