[42; the scent of danger]

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"Good job, [Name]. It seems like you're really getting a hang on using your powers."

"Oh, uh... thank you."

You bowed your head respectfully, flustered by Aizawa's approving gaze. Thus far, the training camp had been a lot of hard work, but you were thankful for the opportunity to strengthen your Quirk. A lot of your time had been spent improving on your healing abilities, specifically. You'd noticed significant improvement, even in just this short little while—redistributing the energy stored in your own body and granting them to others felt less complicated, less convoluted. You were sure the teachers appreciated having a healing-type around to help the rest of the students with their injuries, too.

"Be on the lookout for Midoriya," Aizawa grumbled. "He's always hurting himself, so I wouldn't be surprised if he has to trouble you the most out of anyone else. Is this much okay, though? You're not feeling too fatigued after using your powers over and over?"

You smiled and shook your head. "It's sunny out, and it's easier for me to absorb the light and store energy in my body. I basically transfer said energy over to others to help stimulate their cells for restoration and repair, so as long as I can replenish myself with plenty of light, it's not too bad. I like feeling like I'm supporting the others, even if it's just in a small way."

"You shouldn't undermine yourself. Healing properties can be crucial in certain attack-and-rescue situations, not to mention your Quirk comes with its fair share of other abilities. Try having a bit more faith in yourself, [Name]."


You pressed your lips together, casting a glance in your boyfriend's direction. Katsuki was undergoing a spartan-like training regimen by repeatedly dunking his hands in boiling water, and using his uber-stimulated sweat glands to unleash explosion after explosion. You shuddered at the mere thought of having to do what he was. Yeah... you'd definitely gotten a much better deal by helping treat your classmates' injuries.

"Bakugou's practically oozing with self-confidence," Aizawa muttered, "so you should try imitating him a bit. Just a bit, though—we don't need another problem child in this class."

You laughed. "I don't think I'd ever be able to fully replicate his behavior, no matter how hard I tried."

"That's true, but I don't think it'd be all too bad if he rubbed off on you at least a little. Since the two of you are dating, you must spend a great deal of time together."

You nearly choked on your spit. "How did you—?"

"I hear things," he chuckled. "Don't be too surprised. You're not exactly being subtle about it, either."

The apples of your cheeks began to flush red from embarrassment. Aizawa shoved a hand down his pockets and waved you off, mumbling something about having more confidence in yourself. You exhaled weakly and looked back in Katsuki's direction again. He was yelling curses out at the top of his lungs, along with each explosion unfurling from his palms. At some point, he must've caught you looking, and managed a small smirk back at you.

It was pretty much all it took to get your heart pounding. You wondered exactly at what point you'd fallen so hard for him.

"...[Name]? Heeey, [Name]..."

"Huh, what?" You blinked hurriedly, jolting your neck to find Ojiro staring down at you. He was massaging the back of his tail and looking you over with furrowed brows.

"Like I said, could you please heal me a bit? I've been taking Kirishima's hits non-stop, and it's really starting to kill... Aizawa-sensei said that we were supposed to come to you for healing and stamina recovery."

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