[22; clinging to you]

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Internships were just around the corner, and you honestly couldn't give less of a shit.

The evening you'd discovered your soulmate mark fading away had quickly unraveled, ultimately ending with you curling up into the fetal position and bathing in your own tears. You'd actually debated telling your parents about it, but you couldn't imagine what they'd say. Even now, you couldn't possibly wrap your head around what Monoma had told you.

Your soulmate mark had begun to disappear. Did that mean that you were going to die? Just like that? Was your fate all but sealed? And what about Katsuki?

Right, you'd thought. What about him? If this is happening to me, does that mean that his tattoo is fading away as well?
Besides slumping down into the tub and letting the water consume you, racking your brain was really all you could do to keep yourself tethered to reality. The night ended with you wiping your tear-filled, blotchy face and heading straight to bed—you hadn't even bothered to dry your damp hair.

You didn't get any sleep, either.

When you awoke, you were pleasantly surprised to find that your mood had been lifted somewhat. Granted, you still felt very much distressed over the recent development, but you arose with a much more optimistic mindset. It wasn't as though what Monoma had told you was set in stone, anyways. It could be fading for reasons that were utterly incomprehensible; it didn't mean that your life was ending. Either way, the most important thing to do right now was find him, and see what was happening with your very own eyes.

Which is why you were determined to see Katsuki today.


[9:53 AM]

Hey, could we please meet up today? I know you probably wanna spend this day off trying to prepare for your internship, but I just wanted to hang out. That okay?


Yeesh. When did you get so damn clingy?


Ur a dick


And you're annoying, but whatever.


What time you wanna meet up? I'm only doing this to make you stop crying, so don't get too excited.


Wtf? Who said I was crying?


I can just tell. You miss me too much, I guess. So lame.


Uh....okay? I feel like you're way too full of yourself lol


Just shut up and tell me a time, loser.

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