[58; speak]

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You were feeling out of sorts today.

Perhaps it was the looming internships, or maybe the fact that Katsuki had been spending almost all his spare time training for his provisional make-up exam, but there was a dark cloud following you around wherever you went. Classes had ended, Katsuki had told you he needed to catch up on all the studying he'd missed, and so you found yourself lounging around the communal area of the dorms feeling listless and grouchy.

Todoroki had the misfortune of approaching you.

"[Name], did you get your homework done already?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. It was just a question, with no ill-intent or alternate meaning, but for some reason you decided to respond in the worst way possible.

"Why the hell do you care?"

You regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth, especially when you saw the way Todoroki's brows slumped downwards. He'd just been trying to make conversation, and now he was probably wondering what he'd done wrong, the poor thing.

"Sorry," you managed hastily, shaking your head in dismay. "My mood's been off the last few days. I think it's since Katsuki-kun's been busy and we haven't been able to spend as much time together. I'm also pretty nervous about the internships, even though I'll probably end up working for Hana-san, but still."

His eyes softened. "Oh. For a moment, I thought you were upset with me for something."

"N-No, of course not. I'm sorry for snapping at you..."

"It's alright." He took a seat beside you. "Bakugou's definitely been putting a lot of effort into all of our training sessions. I guess I didn't realize just how serious that guy could be."

"He's actually really disciplined. I know he doesn't seem the type. How have you been managing to keep up with school and your remedial courses at the same time?"

He gave you a deadpan expression. "I don't know. I feel like just attending class is good enough to keep your grades up."

I'm surrounded by way too many talented people, jeez.

"Sure, sure," you sighed, letting your head fall back against the couch. "Aw, man, I'm so bored. I tried to convince Katsuki-kun to take the evening off but he just ignored me and locked himself in his room. He'll be in bed early too so I won't even have a chance to see him again tonight..."

"You're frustrated?"

"Well, yes. I want to spend more time with him."

"Even though you see each other during classes every day?"

"Y-Yes. Isn't it normal to want to be around the person you like as much as possible?"

Todoroki slunk further into the cushion. "I don't know. Probably." His eyes softened for a moment, then he reached out to lightly pat you on the head. You blinked at the feeling of his fingers smoothing down your hair.

Is this his way of consoling me?

You almost laughed at the innocence of it all, but an annoying, high-pitched sound had already begun filling the room.

"Ooooh!" Kaminari squealed, hopping in place as he pointed at the two of you. "Todoroki's putting on the moves! Dude, you're so dead as soon as Bakugou finds out!"

"What moves?" Todoroki gaped. "We're not moving."

"Todoroki-kun," you sighed, "that's not what he means..."

"What does he—?"

"You're taking advantage of the situation and flirting with [Name]-chan just because her boyfriend isn't around! That's ice-cold, man—pun intended!"

Speak (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now