[6; baby steps]

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"EHHH?! Your soulmate is Kacchan?!!"

Izuku's scream could practically be heard from outer space, and you had to clamp a hand across his mouth to shush him.

"Yes," you mumbled back, glancing around the halls to ensure that nobody from your class had heard. "But I'd like to keep it between just us for now. We only just had our first real conversation yesterday, and this is still very new to the both of us, so I think he'd appreciate it if I didn't go around telling everyone."

"A-ah. Okay, then." Izuku smiled sheepishly. "My bad. I'll try to be more quiet from now on."

You smiled back at him. Currently, you were walking side-by-side with Uraraka, Izuku, and Iida on your way towards the classroom. You'd already explained everything to Uraraka last night, but you'd made sure to fill your other friends in first thing in the morning. Iida had been just as stiff as always, but with the way his jaw clenched, you could tell that he felt a bit sorry for you. Uraraka had nearly fainted when you'd first told her, and was still very uneasy about the whole thing.

Before, you would've shared in your friends' concern, but you'd turned over a new leaf. You would let nature run its course, and if this was truly meant to be, all the better. He wasn't anywhere near as crude and hateful as you'd first thought—he just had his flaws, like everyone else.

Although he definitely needs to start working through those issues of his...

Still, you felt a lot better after having spoken to him. It definitely hadn't been the sappy, romantic reunion that most girls would've hoped for, but that was fine. For now, you would just have to take baby steps. Which is why when you stepped into the classroom and spied those familiar ash blonde locks, you were actually happy.

Before you realized it, you were already hovering by his desk, a timid smile gracing your lips.

"Good morning, Katsuki-kun."

He snapped his head back, crimson orbs widening at your words. You'd told him yesterday that you wanted to start calling each other by your first names, but he still looked surprised to hear you say it.

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "The hell do you want, coming over here with that stupid look on your face?"

"You mean...a smile?"

"Same shit."

"Oh, well..." You clasped your hands together, unaware of the small flush dusting your cheeks. "I wanted to give it a try, what I said yesterday. I still don't think that we should try to force anything, but it can't hurt to act a bit more familiar, right?"

He leaned back in his chair, only to prop his feet up on his desk—already, you could hear Iida yelling at him from the background.

"I don't know your name," he said curtly. "And to be honest, I don't really care."

You smiled, unaffected. "I know for a fact I told it to you yesterday. You might seem a bit hotheaded and impulsive, but I get the feeling that you're smart, so I'm sure you wouldn't have forgotten it already."

Katsuki smirked. "I guess it just wasn't important enough for me to bother remembering."

All you could do was let out a sigh. Seriously, was this how things were going to be with him all the time? If the two of you were soulmates, it meant that you would go on to spend the rest of your lives together; or at the very least, that's how it was supposed to be. This guy was then meant to become your boyfriend, then husband—yet here he was, acting like he didn't even know your name.

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