[44; inescapable]

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"Remind me why this chick is here again?"

"Because she's cute!"

"I don't recall her being on the kill list, or anything like that."

"It couldn't be helped. She threw herself into the portal last-minute trying to save the other kid, so we had no choice but to bring her along."

"Ah... looks like they're finally waking up."

You drew in air through your teeth, wincing at the throbbing pain coming from the base of your skull. The image before your eyes was blurred and distorted—this was a grogginess unlike anything you'd ever felt before. Had you been drugged, or what?

Oh, yeah.

The last thing you remembered was sinking into that dark, wispy portal while holding onto Katsuki's body for dear life. Fearfully, you shot two [e/c] irises to the side. He was there, wrists bound together with heavy cuffs and chained to a chair.


You didn't even spare a glance to the rest of your surroundings, though you knew well enough that you'd been captured by the villains alongside him. Your voice escaped in a husky whisper, and Katsuki hurriedly averted his gaze, gritting his teeth in the process.

"You're a fucking idiot," he rasped. "I hope you know that."

Of course. Getting yourself captured as well was by all means, idiotic. But quite frankly, you didn't care. The searing pain coming from your hip was telling you that you'd made the right decision—if you hadn't come along, there was no telling what would've happened to Katsuki. It didn't matter if you were in danger now. The universe was trying to tell you that things were going awry, and you had to intervene.

"About time," a scratchy voice spoke up. Shigaraki Tomura—the leader of this shitty League of Villains. You'd already had one-too-many encounters with him, back at USJ.

Now that you were allowing yourself to get a good look at your surroundings, it was astonishingly non-descript. A plain, dusty room, which vaguely resembled a low-class bar on account of the high stools and alcoholic bottles stacked on shelves. So this was their little "hideout", huh?

Shigaraki drummed his knuckles across the bar-top. "Capturing Bakugou was planned for, but what exactly are we supposed to do with you, [Name]-chan...?"

You stared back at him dully. The other figures were scattered about the room. You recognized Toga, of course—she was actually waving at you with a manic grin sprawled across her lips, and you definitely remembered the masked asshole who'd captured Katsuki in the first place... the tall, raven-haired male with stitches and piercings galore was here, too. Plus the warp-gate, some guy in a black bodysuit, a freaking lizard, and another robust individual wearing sunglasses.

"So this is the gang, huh?" You blinked slowly, not bothering to hide how unimpressed you were. "Somehow, I expected there to be more of you... I guess your little "League" still has a ways to go."

Katsuki hissed from beside you, no doubt urging you to keep your mouth shut. It wasn't really like you to be so brash and stubborn. You thought you'd feel more afraid coming into all this, but oddly enough, there was none of that. At least, no concern for your own life—the focus was all on protecting Katsuki's.

"I didn't peg you for the type with an attitude," Shigaraki scoffed. "Well, whatever. You're another U.A student, so that must have its merits. I'm sure we'll figure something out for you. What was this girl's Quirk again?"

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