[35; don't say you'll give up]

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Clouds of dust billowed every way, mixing with soil and debris. The entire terrain had become engulfed in a matter of seconds. You groaned weakly, pushing back against Katsuki's chest to look over in All Might's direction.

"You'd do well not to take this lightly," he said, expression darkened. "I am a villain, oh heroes. Which is why I couldn't care less about keeping this town intact, and why you'd better come at me with all your strength."

You squinted; it was still hard to see everything clearly. Katsuki muttered something from underneath you, and helped lift you up and prop you to your feet. All Might was hunching forward now, his knees dropping slightly.

"This is bad," Izuku croaked, "he's gonna come—!"

"Outta the way, [Name]!"

As abruptly as you'd stood up, you were forced off to the side by Katsuki's arm. You opened your lips in protest, but he'd already shot in front of you—obstructing All Might's path. He extended his palms outwards, unleashing an explosion from close range.

So that's his choice, huh? He seriously wants to fight All Might head-on...

You remembered the words you'd spoken to Katsuki earlier, about supporting him. If he truly refused to cooperate with Izuku, you didn't intend to force him, and although the idea of facing off against All Might was quite terrifying, you intended to stay true to your word.

If this is what it took to stay by his side, you'd gladly do it.

"[Name]-chan!" Izuku cried out, watching as you rushed forward to attack All Might from the opposite side. "Not you, too...!!"

You gritted your teeth, already anticipating the pain. You drew closer, eyes widening as you watched All Might grab Katsuki and manhandle him by his face. To you, it was apparent that he'd need to get away, but the blonde did nothing of the sort, instead opting to unleash a barrage of explosions at point-blank.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!" All Might grimaced. "I swear—wouldn't most people pull away after having their face grabbed??"

Still with his grip locked on Katsuki's jaw, he brutally slammed the boy to the ground. Katsuki coughed and wheezed, all the air having been knocked out of him. You saw All Might's fist descend upon him, eager to land another crippling blow, but thankfully you reacted in time. He faltered when a faint glow surrounded Katsuki's body, and when his punch was repelled by a scarcely-visible shield of light. His bright, blue pupils flickered back towards you.

"Oh-ho?" he challenged. "Trying to sneak up on me, were you?"

"[Name]!" Katsuki roared, "hurry and get back—!!"

He tried to warn you, but All Might was already surging forward. Your stomach did a flip as you saw his staggering figure rushing you with one fist poised. That intense, overwhelming aura—it was obvious you stood no chance. Out of fear, you activated your light-speed to rush out of the way.

Your eyes widened.

What am I—?! I was supposed to save it for trying to rush towards the gate, but without realizing it, I...!

"So fast," All Might appraised, missing your body by a mile. "But, you know—" In an instant, he was by your side again, "I can keep up this speed far more consistently than you."

You screamed internally, but it was already too late to evade. The punch connected with your left shoulder and sent you flailing across the terrain and crumpling onto your back. You hacked up on the ground, having to force your breaths out; it felt like your chest was on fire. Your fingers clutched at the throbbing area of your left arm. Any more force and you were certain it would have been dislocated, or broken.

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