[40; smother me]

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"Thanks for dinner," Katsuki mumbled, setting his utensils down. "It was really good."

Your mother smiled brightly. "My pleasure. [Name] told me you liked spicy food, so I tried my best to make it to your liking."

"Oh. Well, yeah, I liked it. You cook way better than my shitty mom. Uh—I-I mean..." He glanced over towards you hurriedly. "That's not what I—"

"It's alright," she chuckled. "I was told that you're a bit brash with your manner of speaking. It doesn't bother me. My husband swears like a sailor every now and then, too."


The blonde swallowed thickly, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. It was probably the cutest thing you'd ever seen. He was pretty quick to get flustered around you in general, but watching him purposefully try to censor himself and be somewhat polite around your mom was just plain adorable. You'd never imagined something like this happening, not way back when you'd first discovered he was your soulmate.

You let out a hum of approval. "Katsuki-kun swears a lot, but his heart's in the right place."

"[Name], you—! What the hell are you telling her?! I don't even fuckin' swear all that much!"

"I think you just did."


Your mom smiled, grabbing the dirty plates in her hands. "You two get along really well. I'm glad. My daughter's always been kind with others, but she's not the type that opens up easily. It's nice to see her feel so comfortable around you."

Katsuki blinked. "Oh. Thanks... I guess." He drummed his fingers across the table, eyes widening with a sudden thought. "So she... never dated anyone before me?"

"As far as I know, you're her first boyfriend."

You blushed a little upon noting the faint smile gracing Katsuki's lips. He crossed his arms and nodded his head in approval.

"So I'm the first, huh? Number One."

So that's where his mind goes right away. Somehow, I'm not surprised.

He looked far too pleased with himself. This was surely doing wonders for his already-inflated ego. Your mom watched you stick out your tongue and jab Katsuki in the ribs, giggling to herself as she started with the dishes.

"I'll clean up here," she smiled. "You two go have fun. As far as sleeping arrangements go, I hope you'll be okay with staying in [Name]'s room. We've cleaned up there and set a mattress down for you to use."

Katsuki stiffened a bit. You flushed almost immediately, remembering your earlier discussion over the phone. You knew you'd probably end up sleeping in the same room, but it didn't make you feel any less nervous. Katsuki was awkwardly scratching at the back of his head.

"Uhh...yeah. Sounds good. Mattress is g-good. Yeah."

You heard your mom chuckle to herself. Wouldn't most parents normally be opposed to their teenage daughter sleeping with her boyfriend in the same room? She almost looked like she was getting a kick out of messing with you two.

"Thanks for dinner, mom." You stood up and smiled. "C'mon, Katsuki-kun—let me show you my room."

Katsuki furrowed his brows. "Somehow... it's more decked-out than I expected."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know. You seem like the type who doesn't feel the need to get a whole lot of stuff. I get that whole minimalist vibe from you. But now it just seems like you have a lot of unnecessary shit. The fuck do you need a tiny cactus for?"

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