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[Katsuki's POV, several days after the "fight"]

"Ah, Katsuki, you're home already? I thought you were going to the gym—"

"Piss off."

Mitsuki's eyes widened. Though she was certainly none the less wiser when it came to her son's uncouth behavior, there was something off about him slamming the front door shut with extra viciousness, then stomping up the stairs in a hurry. It had pretty much been a trend, these last few days. Something had happened, she realized that much.

Katsuki could see that, too. He wasn't a fucking idiot. It wasn't as though he was blind to others' mannerisms, especially not his shitty family—who he was pretty much stuck with—but there was no way in hell he was gonna fill them in on what had happened. Not only would it make him look like a little bitch, but then they'd try to sit down with him and all that crap; to ask him about how he was feeling.

The answer was that he was felt like absolute shit, now that the two of you were ignoring each other. How else could he possibly feel? As far as he'd been concerned, things had been going pretty fucking great between the two of you, and then you had to spring that fucking bomb on him—to basically confess that you didn't care for him the same way he did for you.

Katsuki scowled; just the mere thought of your face-off a few days prior was grating on his nerves all over again. He slammed the door shut to his room, making sure to lock up behind him. A few moments later and he'd torn off the scratchy, restricting material of his school blazer, flinging it haphazardly to the side. He let out a long, weary sigh, allowing himself to sink into the plush cushioning of his bed. Crimson eyes stared blankly up at the ceiling.

Well, this fucking sucks.

His bottom lip quivered, arms tensed by his sides. He wanted to cry. Actually, he had cried, though he would sooner die than admit that to anyone else. It had spurted out of him the day you'd revealed everything; violently, and rather unexpectedly. Like a faucet than had been blocked up for too long, then finally, went on to release a flood of water which was seemingly unending.

Aside from when he'd been completely blindsided by his loss against Deku, Katsuki couldn't for the life of him remember another instance in which he'd cried. It must've been years ago; back in grade school, at the earliest. A long-ass time ago, regardless. And not over something like romance, for fuck's sake.

Dating had never interested Katsuki much. It seemed more tedious than anything else, dealing with some sappy chick and having to be careful not to "hurt her feelings" and other bullshit like that. Plus, he had his soulmate mark, and even though he'd hated it all his life with a passion, at the very least, he'd assumed that he would just meet his destined person and get to skip all the dating crap. You'd find it each other, realize you were stuck with each other, and that was that. Simpler, in a way.

Except it wasn't fucking simple at all.

Katsuki backed his head up against the pillow, drawing in a shaky breath. Now that he actually took the time to think about it, what seemed good to him may not have been the case for you. He was well aware of the fact that you seemed a little uneasy around him, like you were gluing your lips shut on some occasions. Even so, he couldn't understand why. Yeah, okay, people didn't like him or whatever, but who gave a fuck? Was he really so bad? Was he that unbearable to be around?

He sniffled loudly, slapping himself on the cheek and mentally berating himself for getting soft again. It was a shitty situation, that much he could admit to. Even if his pride wouldn't allow him to, he wanted to reach out to you, to try and make things work. He wanted to be good enough for you, and he definitely didn't want to make you feel as though you were some sort of prisoner, never safe to speak your mind or tell him what you wanted. He might've been an asshole, but he wasn't fucking cruel, and he didn't want to come off that way. At least, not to you.

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