[55; the one he trusts]

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You and Katsuki enjoyed a lovely day together.

It could've been because of the comfort you'd found in Hana's words, but you'd been in high spirits to begin with, and some time alone to yourselves like this had really turned out to be something you needed. You ate your sweets, walked around the park, laughed about silly, mundane things, and then it was finally time to head back to the dorms.

"Awe," you sighed, stepping through the building's front door. "I was hoping today would never end."

Katsuki's eyes softened. "I know. It's fine. We'll go out another time soon, okay?"

You smiled, giving him a cheery nod. Most of your classmates were hanging out in the communal area, like usual, and Kirishima grinned as he saw the two of you making your way over. He waved and gestured for you to take the free spot beside him. You turned to beckon Katsuki forth as well, but blinked upon realizing that he'd already disappeared. You looked around the room and eventually spotted him.

He was talking to Izuku.

Why would he...?

You crinkled your brows. Katsuki avoided the freckled boy like the plague, so you were more than taken aback to see him going out of his way to speak to him. It didn't seem like he was yelling, either. Only a few words were exchanged, and then Katsuki walked away, leaving a wide-eyed Izuku stunned to silence. You wondered what had been said there. You wondered if it would be okay to ask.

"[Name]-chan, Bakugou, how was your date?" Kirishima asked. His eyes were glistening like a newborn's. You almost laughed. It was cute how much he cared.

"It was good," you replied with a smile. Katsuki of course told the rest of them to "fuck off", but by this point, hardly anyone was ever fazed by his brash remarks. You took a seat beside Kirishima—he'd saved the perfect space for you and Katsuki—and turned your attention to the TV. It seemed like they were watching newsreels and the like; highlights of the latest break-ins and hero escapades. You felt Kirishima shift beside you.

"Uh... [Name]-chan?" Kirishima looked up at you from underneath his lashes, a rosy tint speckling his cheeks. "Could I, um—" He coughed, dropping his voice to a whisper. "I mean... do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Hm? Yeah, sure. Of course."

Kirishima's eyes flickered towards Katsuki, who was staring listlessly at the television with an apathetic expression. He looked back at you, as if having ascertained the former wasn't listening in.

"Last night... did you and Bakugou, uh... well... y'know..."

Your face exploded into streams of crimson. Kirishima muttered an apology under his breath, but you shook your head, trying to compose yourself. You remembered bumping into him in the morning, after all. It wasn't the first time you'd slept in Katsuki's dorm, but he must've been able to tell...

Cheeks still blistering with heat, you meekly nodded your head. Kirishima's lips curved into an oval.

"O-Oh, wow, that's..."

"If possible, I don't want to talk about it," you admitted. "It's pretty embarrassing."

"No, of course...! Sorry, it was really inappropriate of me to have asked in the first place... I was just curious. Um, but... that's good!" he chuckled hoarsely. "I mean... the two of you are a good couple, so I'm glad that you're serious enough about each other to do that."


He wasn't wrong. You couldn't imagine yourself sharing that level of intimacy with anyone but Katsuki. In a way, you supposed it was good, that your bond was so strong.

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