[24; fluorescence undone]

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"Just imagine the light surging into your fingertips," Hana instructed, kneeling to a crouch beside you. "There you go—just like that."

You drew in a sharp breath, hurriedly nodding your head. It was a few days into your internship, and you'd been working more on your Quirk these days. While out on patrol, you'd found a bird fallen from a tree; its wing was broken. Hana had promised to treat it herself if you weren't successful, but she'd suggested trying out your own powers first.

"I hope it works," you mumbled hoarsely. "I don't want the poor thing to be in pain any longer."

"You'll be fine," she reassured. "Just focus."

The injured avian let out a distressed trill, which only made your heart ache even more. You'd treated others' injuries before, but it was only minor things, like cuts and bruises—sometimes fatigue. Now that you were holding this tiny animal in the palm of your hands, you felt like you truly understood how fragile a life could be.

A weak huff escaped your lips. Simultaneously, you sent a wave of energy into the bird's core. Its body began to glow with a faint light; you watched with wide eyes as the shape of its wing slowly shifted, until it had regained its original structure.

"I-I think I did it...!"

As if on cue, the bird flopped its body against your palm, slowly propping itself upright. It tentatively shook out its previously injured wing, and finding it satisfactory, it began flapping up and out towards the open window. Your lips split into a grin—Hana's was even wider.

"Great job!" she appraised. "That went over perfectly. How are you feeling? "

You pursed your lips. "Hm, a bit tired, but not really. I think because the bird was so small, it required less energy expenditure on my part. For healing a full-size human body, it would probably be more draining."

"Well, that's just fine. To work your way up, you have to focus on the little victories first." The silverette brushed her braid to the side, reaching across the counter to pick up a tray. "Here, have a cookie. You earned it."

You giggled. "I feel like I eat better here than I do at home, Hana-san."

"Oh no, that won't do," she retorted, feigning a stern expression. "I'll have to contact your parents and tell them to give you proper meals."

"Could you? That'd be great."

Hana smiled, taking in your beaming expression with much gusto. Her assistants were clustered around the table as well; some had been encouraging you while you used your powers, others had simply come for the cookies. It was a lot different than you'd envisioned your internship unfolding—for one thing, Hana was infinitely nicer than you could've hoped for—but you'd really come to enjoy your time here. It was such a warm, close-knit group; almost like a second family to you.

"Yes, yes," Hana ushered. "Help yourselves, everyone. I've got pizza on the way as well. Ah—could you set the donuts down over there? Thank you very much."

You nibbled on your cookie, surveiling the scene with a contented smile. The energy was so pleasant, you almost never wanted the week to end. Everyone was so happy here; Hana especially, and—

"—Oh, dear."

The room fell silent; Hana's voice had dipped from its usual cheerfulness. Everyone looked back at her with furrowed brows, and you were shocked to see her expression so distressed.

"There's been an emergence," she muttered bitterly, staring down at her pager. "In Hosu District—an outbreak of Noumus, all around town."

Did she just say Noumus...??

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