[33; mending]

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Eventually, the time came that you and Katsuki would have to go your separate ways. You would've liked to stay with him longer, but it was already late, and you got the feeling that both of you were incredibly tired. You left him with a parting hug, blushing shyly as you waved goodbye. He nodded, the corners of his lips curled up into the faintest smile.

When you arrived home, Uraraka was waiting.

"Oh?" You arched your brows, surprised. "I figured you would've already left by now. Did you...stay behind to talk with my mom?"

"Yeah. A bit."

She looked up at you from the couch, tight-lipped and stony-faced. There was a book in her lap; she moved it aside and set it down on the coffee table. Even now, you could still sense that some of the tension from earlier had yet to dissipate. Your fault, admittedly.


"I'm sorry!" Uraraka blurted out, two palms pressing up against her rosy cheeks. She shook her head dismally. "I contacted Bakugou-kun, and I know I shouldn't have. It definitely wasn't my place, but—"

"Hey." You'd shuffled over towards the couch, taking a seat beside her. "It's fine. You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, I should be thanking you. Because we met tonight, we were able to sort through all of our issues. We made up."

"Y-you did?"

"Yes," you smiled, "Because of you."

Uraraka bobbed her neck forward, brown locks swaying across her forehead. She puckered her lips together, knuckles squeezing the thin blanket draped over her legs. Eventually, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Well...thank god," she mumbled. "I'm happy for you guys. I know it was inappropriate for me to interfere in someone else's relationship, and I did go behind your back in this instance...but I just felt like it needed to be done. I wanted the two of you to talk it out. Especially since it was clear that you'd been missing him."

You nodded. "You're right. You were right even before I left, about how going was a mistake, and I was still feeling bitter about our fight. Instead of running from my problems, I should've reached out to him earlier, and tried to make things work."

She nibbled on her lip, brows knitting together. "I mean...I get the feeling that Bakugou-kun isn't an easy person to deal with, so I can understand why this is so frustrating. This is just coming from me; someone's who's barely even spoken to him."

"I know. It's true that he's difficult, but I'm willing to work harder. He's worth it."

Uraraka's lips broke out into a wide grin. She hastily nodded her head, already opening up her arms to wrap you in a big hug. You placed a hand on her wrist, stopping her before she could.


"Before you do that," you mumbled, "I need to apologize as well. For the way I behaved earlier, I mean. I was just frustrated, and it's been scary, dealing with all this. But it still wasn't a reason for me to lash out at you. I'm better than that, I promise."

She smiled, nodding her head in understanding. "I know. You're a kind person, [Name]-chan. You've just been dealing with a lot recently. I'm sure I'd be just as stressed out if I were in your position."

"Thank you. I appreciate you saying that." You pulled your hand off her wrist, beckoning her forth with a flick of your fingers. "Come on," you smiled. "Time for hugs."

Uraraka all but pounced on you, forcing you onto your back with her full body weight. You chuckled hoarsely; luckily, your back just sank into the plush cushioning of the couch. She was warm too, just like Katsuki. You were surrounded by some really good people, you realized. You should never forget to take the time to appreciate them.

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