[13; fleeting]

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The Cavalry Battle began and naturally, all eyes were on Izuku.

It went without saying that Katsuki would also be targeting your curly-haired friend—for the purpose of winning, sure, but there were definitely some more personal feelings at play. You wanted to support your soulmate, but you also had slightly mixed feelings about taking down the poor freckled boy. But it was fine. You'd chosen to be on this opposing team, after all; there was no backing down now.

"I'm gonna kill that shitty nerd," Katsuki muttered, eyes laced with disdain. Currently, there was a cluster of students blocking your way, but you knew that it would hardly be able to hold back the blonde for much longer. It seemed like Izuku had gotten his hands on a jet pack of sorts, courtesy of the Support Department —he was using it to outmaneuver his rivals and escape to safety.

You forced a smile, even though you knew that Katsuki wouldn't see it.

"Let's try to be patient for now, okay? We'll get that headband, that much I'm sure of. We just need to wait for the others to wear themselves out and go in at the best possible opportunity."

He scoffed, but didn't say anything. You knew he wasn't an idiot, and was actually far more calculating and analytical than he looked, but whenever Izuku was concerned he always seemed to lose his composure. Well, more than normal, at least.

Kirishima chuckled. "Come on, [Name]-chan—we all know that Bakugou's pretty much incapable of staying calm."

"The fuck was that, shitty hair?!"

You heaved a sigh. Izuku had just landed a ways off after propelling himself into the air with the jet pack. It seemed that his relief would be short-lived though, as another group was right on his heels. Again, he slammed his thumb down onto the button that spurred the jet pack to life. Except the whirring of the machine was overshadowed by something far louder.

"Bakugou, don't—!!"

Kirishima cried out in vain, for the blonde had already sparked off an explosion that propelled him in Izuku's direction. You paled, worried that your team had just been disqualified for breaching the rules, but a glance in Midnight's direction told you that wasn't the case. You guys were still in the running, so long as you actually caught him before he hit the ground.

"Dude, come on!" Sero whined, having just retrieved Katsuki with his tape. "At least give us a warning before you do stuff like that!"

Katsuki grimaced, no doubt frustrated by his failed assault. Izuku's team had Tokoyami on their side, and he was easily able to defend against others' blows. The ability to manipulate a creature of darkness...it was almost a polar opposite to your own power; both in nature and in terms of offensive ability. It would sure be nice if you had a power like that in your arsenal.

No, I can't think so pessimistically. I joined Katsuki-kun's team in order to help him, and to prove something to myself. This win means a lot to the both of us. I need to make sure it happens.

You let out a huff, blowing a strand of hair away from your eyes. Katsuki was yelling something about beating the shit out of Izuku, while Kirishima and Sero attempted to chastise him. It wasn't going very well, but you soon realized that would be the least of your problems.

"...Like taking candy from a baby, Class 1-A."

You didn't exactly know how or when the opposing team had crept up behind yours, but Katsuki soon found his headband being torn away. All you could do was watch with widened eyes as his expression contorted first into one of surprise, then shifted readily into sheer, unadulterated anger.

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