The Offense

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Pushing back, Emorie shoved Jacob away from him and blocked again when Jacob came charging. Metal clanged against metal, and Jacob refused to slow down with his strikes. The knight would wear out eventually. Either that or he would make a mistake that would let him strike and make the finishing blow. The two blades pressed against the other once more, and Emorie's feet were firmly planted in the ground while Jacob put more force into the attack, but he couldn't get the knight to back up at all.

"I've fought heavier, more armed individuals than you." Emorie's eyes were narrowed, and his lips were cast into a deep frown. "Do you really think that you can beat me like this?" Just slightly, Emorie moved his right arm back before he pressed forward with more force and knocked Jacob back again. He stood up straight and maintained a tight grip on his weapon.

Briefly, Jacob saw movement behind the knight, but he didn't focus on it. Most likely, Hester was waiting for an opening, but Jacob wouldn't need that unless things got dire. Right now, he was perfectly capable of taking the knight on his own. Standing up straight himself, Jacob smirked. "I can, and I will." He chuckled and wore a mocking expression. "I'm surprised, though, that you never tried to kill me. It certainly would've saved you from this predicament."

Emorie quirked a brow and chuckled. "You truly are a fool." Jacob immediately glared and raised his sword again. "I didn't kill you because it wasn't necessary to winning (f/n)'s heart, and it would've brought a series of complications with it. If I happened to be caught, I would lose everything. Even (f/n) would leave me." He sighed and frowned. "Unfortunately, you're still her childhood friend no matter how much you scare her. She only wants you out of the picture but not dead, and I have a feeling that she wouldn't forgive me if I killed you in a situation that didn't demand it."

Chuckling again, Emorie prepared himself for another attack. "And, this situation does demand it. Otherwise, I'll lose my life, and I have too much to look forward to in my future to die any time soon." Jacob scowled before he ran at the knight again.

"Save me your reason!" he yelled, slashing through the air. "It's my future that'll be bright, not yours!" Metal clashed again. "You're the fool! Did you think that I just would stand by and let you take what's rightfully mine?!"

Strike after strike occurred, and Emorie occasionally took a step back before he regained his footing and defended himself from another blow. "You should've known that I would attack you eventually if you just let me be!" He swung again, and Emorie dodged that time and stepped to the right side of Jacob.

"I had a feeling that you would," Emorie admitted, blocking another blow, as Jacob spun around and swung his blade again. "But, I told you why I didn't kill you, why I didn't attack first." Emorie pushed against Jacob who slid back a little. "It left me paranoid, but I had to keep (f/n)'s situation in mind. Like I said, I've been nothing but considerate towards her." He smirked and shoved Jacob back before he swung his sword through the air. Barely, Jacob dodged in time, but he fell to the ground in the process. "But now, you're forcing my hand."

The blade came soaring down, but Jacob rolled to his left and hurried to his feet. He blocked the knight's next attack and stepped to the knight's left. Emorie spun around in time and deflected another blow, causing Jacob's sword to slide down and to the right of Jacob. "Well, you forced my hand long ago!" Jacob yelled back and flicked up leaves with his next strike.

Infectious Crimson (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now