The Testing

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


 Light flickered behind him, and the sound of water seemed to grow louder in his ears even though he hadn't been able to distance himself too far from the knight. Pale optics glanced between his right and left arm, both broken and throbbing lightly with pain. The injured limbs shook a little, from fear and the trauma they suffered. He scooted backwards on his bottom.

If by some means he managed to reach the water, the next step would be climbing upwards. How he was supposed to do that with two broken arms was beyond him, but he couldn't just let himself die. He had killed the accursed knight and won the right to marry (f/n). Just because the knight had come back didn't mean that he would hand (f/n) over to him. No, he had watched and waited far too long for that happen.

Then again, his shot at beating the knight now was terribly low, but he had to try. If he just let the knight kill him and allowed him to go back to (f/n), what kind of man would he be? How could he let her have a future with a knight that looked like he was partly dead and wasn't even human anymore? No, he had to attempt to escape and live.

Perhaps if he got the knight close enough to the water, he could manage to trip him into the rushing river and watch him be carried away into the unknown darkness. Almost, he smirked at the thought. Unfortunately, the knight already was advancing on him. His steps were slow and calculated. The gaze in his pale optics remained something inhuman and murderous. It was as though any trace of the knight's former self was gone in that moment.

Pale optics drifted down from Jacob's face to the crimson dripping from his chin. Jacob noticed the shift in the older male's stare, and he could feel more beads of sweat trickle down the sides of his face. "I think that I'll take the right one first, then the left." A deadly chuckle parted from the knight's lips. Emorie held up his left nails. "I just wish that you tasted better, but it makes sense given the filth that you are."

Jacob narrowed his eyes, and he didn't stop moving even if his body wanted to rest. "What would (f/n) make of you now? What if she saw what you're about to do to me?" He saw the knight pause, but he kept moving. If he could stall him for long enough, he might have a chance. "Do you think that she would even humor the thought of still being with you?" A mocking laugh parted from the apprentice. "Didn't you tell me something along the lines that she wouldn't probably forgive you if you killed me outside of self-defense?"

"That doesn't apply anymore." The knight stood up to his full height of six feet and three inches. Shadows seemed to wrap around his intimidating form in the darkness, and Jacob resisted the urge to gulp. "You already killed me. She'll simply be happy to see me again, and if you're gone from the picture, I don't think that she'll mind after what you did."

"You're assuming that she knows I killed you. One look at you, and she'll know that you did something to me once Hester reports me missing." Jacob chuckled. "Maybe, you should've taken her too."

"I will in time. It'll be," the knight locked his gaze onto Jacob's right arm, and a chill traveled horribly through Jacob's body, "better that way." A grin fell onto the knight's lips. "I don't want to end both of your suffering too soon. I want to see her fall apart at the loss of her brother."

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