The Helper

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Walking down the street in the evening as per usual, the pedestrian didn't spot a pair of eyes watching her like they always did when she came down the street around that particular time. This week, though, they came from within rather than outside. It had been several days since she last had gone over to his home due to work with weaving and helping with other chores. Her hands were folded in front of her over her brown skirt while her beige shirt was loose and kept her cool. (H/c) locks framed her face gently, and leather shoes protected her feet.

(E/c) optics focused on the approaching door, and she soon stopped in front of it. Her right fist knocked on the wood, and she heard steps approaching on the other side. As soon as the door opened, she gave Emorie a soft smile while he stepped aside and permitted her in. He closed the door after her and raised a brow. "Is something wrong, (f/n)?"

Halting her movement, she glanced over to him as he walked up to her left side. Her smile faltered, and she stared down to her feet. "Was it that easy to tell?" His right hand rested on her left shoulder, and he pushed her forward gently as he guided her towards the hare's makeshift pen.

"Yes, you smiled, but your eyes didn't match the expression." Her lips slightly upturned into a small smile. He stopped before they reached the room with the hares, though, and she furrowed her brows in puzzlement as she looked up to him. "Do you want to pet them today? You've been coming over and helping with them this past week, so I don't mind if you want to sit out here in the kitchen and talk."

Hesitation crossed her eyes, and he shook his head with his own small smile on his lips. "Don't worry; you don't have to eat if you don't want to. A glass of water may help, though." His hand moved from her shoulder to her middle back, and heat touched her cheeks lightly. She didn't move his hand away, though, or object to the suggestion, so he guided her over to the kitchen table and pulled out a chair for her.

Taking a seat, she rested her hands on her lap while he grabbed a wooden cup and poured some water into it for her. Once he placed it on the table, he moved a chair over to her and seated himself. "What's bothering you, (f/n)?" Her legs crossed at her calves, and a frown appeared on her lips. "Are your parents bothered about you coming over here more often? If so, I don't mind if you need to stay at home in the evening more often." He smiled reassuringly. "The hares aren't too much trouble."

Shaking her head, she replied, "It's not that. My parents ..." A small smile crossed her lips, and she met his gaze shyly. "They're fine with me coming over here to visit you, and you've been so respectful of my work that they're even more accepting." His own smile hit his lips. "It's just that Jacob ..." Her eyes averted themselves away from him and fell onto the water in the cup.

"Did he do something?" Worry was evident in his voice, and she thought that she almost heard something else there. When she caught his gaze, however, she only saw concern, and he asked again. His tone was gentle and showed only worry about her possible safety. That caused an appreciative smile to form on her lips.

"He visited me after you walked me home the last time."

"Did you tell your parents?"

"No, I ..." She sighed and gave him an apologetic glance, but he reached over and rested his hand on her left shoulder and shook his head in an understanding.

Infectious Crimson (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now