The Shadow

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


No one answered. She leaned out of the window more, and she noticed light coming from Jacob's home. All or some of them were still up, which made sense since it wasn't too late into the evening. None of them were outside, though, and the guard was still too far away to have snapped the twig. Her eyes went back to the twig. Perhaps, she was over thinking things. It might've just been an animal. She would've convinced herself that one of the hares had gotten loose, but her father had made sure that they were all secure in their pen. Not to mention that they were over at her home unless one of them had sought to return to Emorie's house, but she was certain that none of them could get out of the pen.

It could've been another animal, but she should've seen it since it hadn't taken her too long to get to the window and open it after she heard the noise. Leaning back inside, she lowered the lantern only a little bit and furrowed her brows in confusion. Had Jacob come around and spied on her? Part of her wanted to persuade herself that was the truth, but it didn't make sense. She would've seen him leave; she would've probably heard more of his steps too. That conclusion simply didn't seem right.

What was going on? One more time, she checked outside. Still, she saw no one and no animal. She was tempted to head outside and pick up the twig as if that would answer her questions, but she didn't succumb to that desire. Whatever had been out there could attack her. Maybe, it was waiting for her to step outside before it struck. It was rather foolish to be leaning out of the window in the first place, and she was lucky that she remained unharmed.

With thoughts of danger outside filling her head more, she closed the shutters and took a couple of steps back. The lantern hung down by her left side, and she surveyed her surroundings. There were no other sounds in the house. It just was her. Maybe, it had been a small animal, and she had missed it in the darkness. That had to be it.

Backing up a bit more, she set the lantern on the ground and seated herself on the bed. She probably should head back home before it gets even later into the night, but she did want to stay in Emorie's home that evening too since she didn't know how much longer she would be able to visit it. Her parents might get worried, though, and she had told them that she wouldn't stay the whole night. With a heavy, nervous sigh, she got back up to her feet and placed the lantern back where it belonged.

(F/n) blew out the lantern and left the bedroom, wiping any remainder of her tears from her face. It didn't take her long to reach the front of house. She peered over her right shoulder and glanced around the front of the house. The place felt lifeless when it should've been full of life. Emorie and she would be outside with the hares before coming into to rest for the night. In the future, she would live here, and within time, they would have their children running about the place. Now, it felt like she was in some other world, not her own. Maybe if she came back on another night, though, she might find him waiting for her. His body hadn't been found, and she carried hope that he would come back even if it was fading more and more with the passing of time. He just couldn't be dead.

Reluctantly, she stared to the front door and opened it. She closed it behind her soon after. Her steps were slow despite the oddity of the snapped twig. It felt as though her feet were stones, and each step away from his home only made that feeling all the stronger. (F/n) kept her head down, and her hands folded in front of her. A couple of minutes passed before she reached her home and stepped inside, and as the door shut behind her, she didn't notice the figure standing over by Emorie's home and staying out of sight of the guard.

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