The Reassurance

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Running her fingers through the soft green grass, she wrapped her left arm around her legs, and she hummed quietly to herself so that she could distract herself from Emorie being in the water behind her. Her thoughts, though, traveled to their previous conversation, and her cheeks wouldn't stop being warm. She rested her chin on her knees and mentally huffed. There probably would never be a day where she wasn't embarrassed around him, especially since they were spending time together every day. Not to mention that they were sharing the same bed and bathing in the same location.

A pout formed on her lips, and her humming stopped. Emorie looked up somewhat from his washing and noted the quiet, soft sounds from her ceased. He had been enjoying them and the soft tune they carried. It was relaxing, and it made him look forward to the possibility of her singing lullabies to their future children.

Noting her posture, however, he wondered what was going through her mind to cause her to stop. Hopefully, her thoughts hadn't trailed to Jacob. He didn't want her day to be ruined by that immature fool, especially since this was part of their time away from all of that. There was no one else around; they had the whole area to themselves, and he loved the time he was spending with her here.

Her thoughts weren't beginning to switch over to Jacob, though. Rather, they ventured farther into what the future held and the children they might have. Worry crept in during such thinking, and it pertained to what had happened to her mother. Now, she wrapped both arms around her legs and rested her forehead on her knees. What if the same thing happened to her?

Would he leave her? Her father hadn't left her mother, but Emorie might leave her even if he seemed like one of the kindest people she had ever met. She really hoped that he wouldn't, and while she would be devastated, no one would blame him besides probably her parents since it wasn't a surprise if a husband left his wife if she couldn't bear any children or anymore for that matter.

Noticing her change in position, Emorie frowned. Something was no doubt troubling her. He was tempted to go over there and wrap his arms around her to comfort her, but he wasn't dressed. Then again, that might distract her from her thoughts, but he wouldn't pull that kind of surprise on her unless she wanted him to. Since she had given no indication of being amenable to that, he resisted going through with that action.

Instead, he called out, "(F/n), what's wrong? You seem worried about something."

Instantly, she tensed a bit, and he noticed that she almost peered over her right shoulder before she swiftly stopped herself. "I ... Well, it's about before." He didn't answer verbally. Rather, he remained quiet as a way for her to continue. She released a sigh and continued to hug her knees. "My mother."

Puzzled, he asked, "Your mother? I don't understand. Is she not wanting grandchildren?" If (f/n) wanted to respect her mother's wishes, he would support that even though he would like to have children with her, but based on their previous conversation, he was certain that (f/n) wished for children herself. In fact, she had confirmed that herself and even had related her desire to teach them her craft, at least the ones that wanted to learn it.

Shaking her head, (f/n) clarified, "It's not that. It's ... Well after me, she couldn't have anymore." Again, she almost peered back to him, but she stopped herself just in time, and he stepped out of the water so that he could get dressed and sit down next to her without embarrassing her. "I just don't want that to happen to me. I ..."

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