The Offer

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Sitting by the bank of the river, she continued to work on the wash and scrubbing the cloth against the rocks at the bottom to get the dirt out. It was quiet between the knight ... Emorie and her. The silence wasn't necessarily terrible, but she felt awkward and out of place. He had survived all eleven years of the war and a serious injury; he could be in the capital receiving probably fame and fortune if he wanted with his title, but he simply was sitting with her by a river by a village far from the capital.

The light splashing of the water and the cool droplets of water that occasionally would grace her skin distracted her somewhat from glancing over to him. She didn't hear much movement from him either, but when she did take time to peek over at him, she noted each time that he seemed to rub his right fingers against his beard as though it was bothering him. That action almost led her to say something, but she didn't know if it would be rude.

After she set aside another piece of clothing to dry, she peered over to him again. Once more, his right fingers were scratching his beard as though it irritated him. That time, however, his light blue eyes caught her staring. Almost, she squeaked in response, but she held the sound back and gave a small, polite smile. "Is something the matter?" he asked, adjusting himself to sit up a little straighter.

"Umm ... W-well ..." Curse her nerves. She wished that she could be as calm as him, but he held a higher ranking and was taking his time to give her company. No wonder he was relaxed while she was on the verge of leaping into the river and desiring to become a fish. After she swallowed another sentence of stuttering, she managed to say with a somewhat stable voice, "Your beard ... You keep touching it." (F/n) clearly looked uncertain of her next words, but he waited for her to continue. "... Does it bother you?"

A light chuckle passed from his lips, and he smiled. Inwardly, she breathed a great sigh of relief. Thank goodness, it seemed like he didn't grow upset from her question. His right arm rested on his leg comfortably. "Is it that obvious?" Looking to the river, he watched some of the bluegills swim by, and he saw out of the corners of his eyes her nodding slightly. "Well, it does. I've never been fond of having a long beard, but I haven't had time to trim it. I was thinking of doing so this evening." He moved his gaze back onto her. "What do you think?"

At the question, she froze. Now, he was asking her for advice and on his hair? What was she supposed to say; what was acceptable? "I think whatever makes you comfortable, Sir ... I mean Emorie." He laughed lightly at her correction before he nodded in response.

"Then, I'll trim it. It'll be nice to tidy up for once." He directed his eyes back onto the water, and she finished with the last piece of wash. She set it aside and folded her hands on her lap, not knowing what else to say or do. Now, she had to wait for the clothes to dry, and she again felt awkward. Her hands tightened around her brown skirt.

Back where Emorie was sitting, she heard movement. Stealing a glance, she saw him pull off his boots and set them aside. Curious, she wondered what he was up to. He smiled over to her, and she felt her cheeks heat up as she looked away. "I understand that you're nervous around me, (f/n), and I'm not going to try and tell you not to be. But," he closed some of the distance between them and stood to her side, "I hope that you do become less so over time."

Infectious Crimson (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now