The Future

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Smiling a bit, she brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Her toes curled under the water and rubbed against one of the smooth rocks there. "Again, I'm sorry. It was presumptuous of me." She shook her head a little even if he couldn't see the movement.

"It wasn't. You didn't know."

"No, I didn't, but I should've asked." He shifted a bit on the ground, and his hand rested on his thigh again. His head hung down a little as he sighed. "I got carried away. I ..."

Cutting him off, she responded somewhat quietly as her shyness overtook her again, "You didn't get carried away. I ..." Heat touched her cheeks, and she tucked her head behind her knees as a way to further hide herself even though she didn't need to since he was facing the other way. "... I wouldn't mind," she muttered as more warmth filled her cheeks.

Due to her mutter and her mouth being somewhat pressed against her knees, Emorie didn't quite catch what she said, and he almost again looked back to her, but he managed to stop himself at the last moment. "What?" he asked politely, hoping that she would repeat herself.

Time not helping her situation, she sighed silently before she lifted up her head and focused on her toes curling under the water. A few more creek chubs swam by, and her eyes followed their movement idly. "... I wouldn't mind," she repeated a bit more loudly as her fingers dug into her legs a bit in an attempt to calm her growing nerves.

Just barely, she noted Emorie sit up a little straighter. She couldn't see his expression, but she hoped that he was smiling. Averting her eyes back to the water, she continued, "I want to pass my trade on like my mother. Maybe, it's selfish of me, but I really want to see my child ... or children," her cheeks warmed up again, "enjoy the craft."

"It's not selfish. You'll be giving them a livelihood too."

A smile touched her lips at that. "But if only one of them ... if we have more than one," she mentioned very softly before she raised her voice a little again, "picks up the trade, I'll be happy. If none of them want to weave, I'll be disappointed, but," she let out a sigh, "I wouldn't want to force that onto them. Besides ..." She trailed off for a moment before she smiled and wished that he could see it, though; she wasn't exactly in a position where she should be seen. If he did view her in her present state, she might lose it and dive under the water if she could to hide herself. "You have your trade. You can teach them hunting if they want."

Soft laughter parted from him, and he leaned back on his right arm. His back remained towards her, and she smiled at the delightful sound. "Thank you. I wouldn't mind teaching them. But, does that mean that you'd like more than one?"

Cheeks warm, she tucked her head away again. "I might. What about you?"

Barely able to hear her, he smiled. "I wouldn't mind." He heard light splashes of water and footsteps soon after. Other light movement followed, and he sat up straighter, resting his hand back on his thigh. "It'd be fun to see them play with the hares or teach them how to wield a sword if they wished to travel to the capital and train to become a knight unless you'd prefer them not to take such training."

Infectious Crimson (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now