The Unknowing

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Despite the near lapse of his expression into concern that potentially could give him away, Jacob managed to maintain the pity he wore in his eyes for her. He wouldn't let her sharp (e/c) gaze wear into him and make him tell the truth of what had happened that evening. She never could know, or she probably never would forgive him. Hopefully, she didn't already blame the whole incident on him because he had left the knight to the fake bear, but it was possible that she did. That would create a longer wait period for them to get together, but he could work with that scenario if he had to.

"Jacob, are you coming?" Anselm called, looking back to his son, before he headed into the woods again with the other men. Anselm glanced between his son and (d/n)'s daughter. He noted the expression on her face. It looked as though she was questioning every action of his son's. No doubt, it was because Jacob had reported the bear attack and Emorie was missing as a result of it.

Anselm didn't believe that his son was capable of setting Emorie up even if his son had been displaying worrisome behavior about Emorie's relationship with (f/n). Jacob simply wouldn't harm another. He had taught his son better, and his son knew the consequences of such an action. There certainly was no way that Jacob would risk his own life in order to get rid of another one. His son was too focused on (f/n) to risk leaving her behind in the world even if he had advised his son to move on.

Sighing, he turned away from Jacob. "Okay, we'll be back in awhile. It's probably best that someone else is out here with them." Anselm looked over to (d/n), who sighed himself and nodded. (D/n) wasn't comfortable with the arrangement, but he was there to protect his daughter. If Jacob tried anything, he wouldn't get very far.

Once Anselm and the others were gone, Jacob took a few steps towards (f/n) and her father. He tried his best to ignore (d/n) and the warning look the older male was giving him. Honestly, her father would have to accept the inevitable eventually. (D/n) couldn't keep (f/n) from him indefinitely. "(F/n)," he started, his expression of pity not leaving him, "what happened tonight ..."

"Why were you here?" He was slightly annoyed that she cut him off, but he didn't show that feeling. Still, it reflected in his eyes for a moment, and (f/n) caught it just in time, but she didn't say anything on the matter. Instead, she continued to analyze him to inspect for any piece of information that might explain what exactly happened that evening. Things were just too odd for her to accept a story about a bear attacking and Emorie telling Jacob and his sister to get help.

"I was with my sister. You saw us come into town." He motioned to the area. "I thought that it might be nice to come relax here for a bit." Jacob resisted the urge to glare over at the remaining pool of blood. "I didn't know that he would be here and that a bear would attack." A look of apology swept across his face, but (f/n) doubted it.

"Why did you need to relax?" Her tone was steady, and her tears had stopped, but her right hand clutched around her father's dark brown cloak. She held no warmth in her eyes, and his heart clenched horribly at the sight. It made him wish to yell and just tell her to trust him, but that wouldn't produce a desired reaction. No, it would make things more complicated.

"Work. I needed some air." He tried to make his answer as convincing as possible, but her expression didn't lighten up. Instead, she only became less trusting of him. She was about to say something, but he cut her off. "Fine," he sighed out and brushed back his light brown hair. "It wasn't that." His light brown optics glanced to his right, and he ignored how her father moved closer to her.

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