The Waters

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Their walk to their destination took them somewhat far out from the village so that it would be more private, and if anyone followed them, they would be more likely to hear them. Not to mention that seeing them would be a lot easier until they reached the stream since the stream traveled through the bright green grass of the fields west of Levonshire. Among those fields, there were white oaks and silver maples spread here and there, but the stream they were traveling to ran through a cluster of them, which provided just enough coverage for them to maintain their privacy. Even among those trees, the cluster was small enough that both of them would be able to spot someone spying on them.

Emorie knew about the cluster from a prior hunting trip before the incident with Jetta. (F/n) knew that such clusters existed on the fields since she had walked among them since she was a child, though; she admittedly never had been to the one they were traveling to. As they walked across the soft grass, however, she glanced out over the slight hills of the area and down some of them. Momentarily, she stopped and pulled her light blue sleeves down a bit when a cool breeze came through. It felt refreshing, but it also gave her skin a little bit of chill, especially given where they were.

Out ahead of her, she could picture seeing all of the knights marching off to the war in the west, and she saw Emorie dip his head out of thanks and leave the token behind. Absentmindedly, her right fingers lifted themselves up to the necklace around her neck, and her fingertips brushed against the glass locket. Emorie noticed her lack of steps and glanced behind him to view her staring out across the fields. A smile touched his lips, especially when he saw her fingers brush over the locket that contained his piece of his surcoat. He was happy to view her remembering his presence here and not that of Jacob's.

Walking over to her, he placed his hand over her right one. Slowly, she looked up to him, and he gave her a gentle smile before he peered over his shoulder and out towards the fields. "It brings back fond memories." A peaceful sigh parted from his lips. "I'm happy that I got to come back here and make new ones with you." His smile returned her, and she shyly glanced down with her own smile on her lips.

"We should get going," she muttered, looking back up to him steadily. She felt her heart skip a beat when he nodded and smiled to her once more. Never would she get tired of those smiles of his. They always seemed to warm her heart and ensure her that he'd stay with her for the rest of his life.

"Right. We don't want to be too long." He grabbed her other hand to make walking easier, and he guided her towards the tree cluster once more. She barely registered the action, however, since her mind traveled to the scenario of them taking too long. (F/n) suspected that her parents knew they wouldn't commit to such an action, but her father might tease them both. What worried her really, though, was the other villagers. They didn't need false rumors spreading, especially ones about that.

Soon, though, the both of them did reach the cluster of trees, and the shade they provided was a welcome relief from the warm sun since the chill of the earlier breeze had long since passed by that point. Shadows of leaves danced across the green ground, and the little footsteps of small critters sounded around them. She didn't sight any of them yet, but she looked over to Emorie and wondered if he was planning on catching one of them before they left the area.

Hearing and seeing the water now, though, she focused her attention on the stream that flowed through the terrain. It wasn't a large one, but it was big enough to where she could sit in it and let the cool waters reach up to her hips. A few leaves from the maple trees had broken off early and were carried down the water and out of the cluster of trees. Some spots of the water were in the sun, and the clear liquid sparkled under the sunlight.

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