The Capture

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Lying on his stomach, his arms were wrapped around his pillow, and his face was pressed somewhat into the item. A wool sheet covered his lower half while a thick wool off-white shirt protected his upper half from the cold of the night. He wore his beige braies also. Jacob was fast asleep. A smile was on his lips as he dreamt of (f/n) only coming closer to him and eventually accepting his hand in marriage. Within his dream, crimson coated his hands, but he simply washed it off as it had been nothing but dirt.

Hester was deep in her sleep too. Whereas her brother was dreaming, though, she had a dreamless sleep. She was content to know that her brother had been able to hug (f/n). With time, she was certain that (f/n) would come around and marry her brother. Then, he would be even more joyous than he already was. Killing the knight certainly had made Jacob frown less, and she'd do it all over again just to witness Jacob celebrating cheerily at the knight's passing.

While both siblings slept, however, a figure crept closer to their shutters. Out on the street, there was no one to witness what was occurring at the Moore household. Between the crack in the closed shutters, a long, thin nail slipped down. It hit the wooden latch, but that didn't stop its progress. Instead, the nail began to slice through the wood with ease. Wood broke in half, and one of the halves fell to the ground. The sound it created was soft against the floor, and neither of the siblings woke up.

Sliding out from between the shutters, the nail soon joined the rest of the hand it belonged to in opening up the left shutter. Another hand opened the right one. More evening light filtered into the room, and the shadow of the figure outside stretched across the bedroom. Hester moaned in discomfort, and her eyelids pressed together more at the increased light in the space.

Steadily, her eyes opened, but when she squinted against the light, there was no one standing outside of the window. She brushed it aside and closed her eyes again until realization struck her tired mind. Instantly, she bolted upright and stared ahead. The window ... it was wide open. Her eyes scanned over the area more, and she pinched herself; she wasn't dreaming.

Soon enough, her dark brown optics spotted the piece of wood on the ground. Her eyes averted back towards the latch. It was broken as though it had been sawed in half by something. Heartbeat increasing, she reached over and shook Jacob awake. "This is urgent," she whispered as her eyes remained on the open window. Just what was going on? Were bandits in town?

There was no one in their room, however, and her back was against the wall, so no one could be hiding behind her. She didn't remove her hand from her brother's right shoulder, though, until he finally woke up. He groaned and sleepily looked up to his sister. "What is it?" he asked, irritation in his tone. Hester immediately motioned with her head to the window.

Wondering what was going on, he diverted his light brown optics over and stared for a moment before his eyes widened. He rolled over and sat straight up. His right hand reached for his sword, which he had placed between the wall and his bed that evening. "Did you see anyone?" he questioned, worry now in his tone.

"No." She shook her head for further emphasis. "I felt more light enter into the room and woke up to that." Hester reached for the space between the wall and her bed too before she pulled out the kitchen knife she had used before to stab the knight. "Do you think it's bandits?"

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