The Getaway

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Leaning back on a white oak, he had his arms crossed over his chest. A little over a week had passed since he had seen (f/n) head over to the knight's. Thankfully, she hadn't been able to visit him again since then due to her work, even on the last Sunday. Instead, she had used the day to work on that surcoat project of hers. He knew that since he had gone to visit her only to find her working on it. Much to his annoyance, her parents seemed a little too happy to see him leave soon after he came. Regardless of their behavior, he was glad that she was in her home and not the knight's. Still, the surcoat wasn't the knight, but it was for him. That fact irked him, but he was grateful that the knight and she hadn't interacted together.

Okay, there was a conversation between them on Sunday while the knight worked on preparing his backyard. Hester had told him that she had seen the exchange occur when she been returning from trading with their mother. Unfortunately, she hadn't heard what that discussion had been about. Hopefully, it wasn't anything too important. His fists clenched at the thought. But, he had a plan.

Due to (f/n)'s lack of visiting, the knight might think her uninterested unless that unheard conversation had sealed the two of them together more ... Almost, he lowly growled at the idea. No, that couldn't be it. He couldn't think like that. With that in mind, he would use what Hester told him about Jetta to his advantage. If Jetta showed, it would indicate that she remained interested in the knight. Thankfully, Hester had used a day earlier in the week to talk to Jetta while she went there to return the Feldmans' now repaired butcher knife and retrieve eggs in return for the work their father performed.

Resting his head back against the bark, he closed his eyes. If she didn't show, he'd have to try something else to separate those two unless by some miracle the knight was already planning on distancing himself from (f/n). If that were the case, he'd be right there to soothe her heartbreak. A smirk touched his lips, but he snapped out of such fantasies when he heard approaching footsteps.

Mentally, he smirked. She came. Good girl. Jacob pushed himself off of the tree trunk and gave her a polite smile. "Hello, Jetta." Jetta dipped her head before she stood a few feet in front of him.

"Hester told me you have a way to get Sir Emorie to take interest in me?" She walked around him to stand on his left while he nodded and began to walk off into the forest with her. It'd be better if they weren't directly on any path where someone easily could spot them.

"No one questioned you coming out here, right?"

"Not really. Mother wondered, but I told her that I just wanted to relax after a day of work and go on a short late afternoon walk." She looked up to the sky and noticed it only getting darker. "Though, I guess that it's more of an evening one now."

"Doesn't matter. It's just important that no one knows why you came on a walk." He glanced to her briefly and met her medium green optics with his light brown ones. "If anyone else knows, there's no point in this."

"I know, Jacob. I'm not an idiot." She huffed and rolled her eyes. "Besides, I know that you're doing this to separate (f/n) from him." He looked away and couldn't help forming a small smirk on his lips. "It's not like I'll tell anyone. You getting her to like you or whatever will get me what I want, and I'm just happy that you're giving me the chance to gain an advantage over the other available women in the village." A frown soon graced her lips. "But, this better be a good plan. Otherwise, I'll humiliate myself."

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