The Honesty

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Even if (f/n) wished that he would've trusted her not to reject him, she could understand his position. If her appearance had changed so drastically and she just had killed someone, she probably would be worried too that she'd be abandoned and left to live the rest of her life alone. She glided her fingertips across the surface of the pond. What she could see of her reflection became distorted, and she wondered if Emorie had grown used to his new appearance. At first, she certainly had been taken aback, but knowing that it still was him helped her adjust. Despite what he looked like now, what he had done, she still loved him. The space that had felt ripped out of her was whole again. That was what mattered to her, but she didn't stop him when he further explained the prices for his wishes.

"I didn't just kill Jacob." He breathed out slowly and couldn't meet her gaze when she looked over to him. Steadily, he held his left hand in front of his face and focused on his long, sharp nails. "I ..." A shiver of disgust ran through him. She rested both of her hands on her lap and continued to concentrate on him and only him as she gave him a small reassuring smile to finish. "... I ate part of him." Every word came out shaky, and he covered his face with his hands. "He didn't taste terrible. He tasted like day-old, cold stew. The rest of him," he inhaled and exhaled slowly, "I stored away for later."

The news was ... shocking to say the least, but she didn't back away. (F/n) bit her lower lip, trying to think of how to respond, and she could tell by his reaction that he hated such a detail about himself. If she was in his position, she'd probably feel the same. "Is it ... Well, do you have to?" Her voice indicated uncertainty since she really didn't' know if she should've asked that. Should Emorie answer in the negative, she wouldn't leave him, but she also wouldn't know what her reaction might be entirely. It would certainly take awhile to process.

"Yes." Slightly, a weight left her shoulders. "It's all I can eat. I have to eat what I once was." He lowered his hands from his face and met her gaze. Her heart tightened at the sadness and dislike for himself in his very pale blue optics. "I'm not human anymore. I now have to ... eat ... them." His words came out with no stutter, but they carried immense gravity to them, and his pauses only made that severer. Emorie muttered that phrase a few times more, his hands shaking somewhat.

"... And, me? Is that why you were worried too?" she asked softly, forcing her hands to remain relaxed on her lap. (F/n) didn't want him to think that she was about to run off. Probably, though, he could see the fear in her eyes, but she couldn't push it aside. She'd do what she could for him, but she didn't want to be considered a snack either, nor did she want him attacking her parents if she even could bring him to them.

Given the situation, she might not be able to, and he might not even feel comfortable with that. Yes, her parents welcomed Emorie into their family, but this might be too much for them. They might not see him as the same Emorie and might think that she had gone crazy for thinking that he still was his old self. Not to mention that the more people who knew about him, the riskier it was to his wellbeing. What he had shown of his new abilities, he'd probably be fine, but people would die in the process. Then again, it sounded like people would die regardless as long as he lived, but it wouldn't have to be so many. Unfortunately, she suspected that not everyone would be accepting of the news that he just told her. Instead, they might think him some monster summoned out of the abyss to torment humanity.

Clenching his fingers, he answered, "You do smell ... delicious." His eyes averted away from her, ashamed. "You smell like a fresh-baked sweet roll." Emorie combed his right fingers through his hair. "But, I've been able to control myself around you on that aspect, and I think that it's because of my wish to protect you." Steadily, he stared back to her. "But, others ..."

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