The Oddity

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Jetta didn't meet her mother's light brown optics. Instead, she looked to her right and glanced down. She moved her right foot back and forth in the dirt, causing some of the substance to get on his leather boot. Emorie paid no mind to her action, but he was curious why her mother wasn't letting her in yet. A suspicious look was on Richenda's face, and he didn't question the older woman's stare at her daughter. Soon, though, that gaze shifted onto Emorie. "I hope that you don't mind me asking, but where did you take a bath?"

Instantly, Emorie noticed that Jetta tensed a little, but he focused his gaze on Richenda. "A stream north of here that veers off towards the east of the village." He raised his right arm and pointed back behind them. "That way. It was quiet, and I liked the privacy it offered." Maintaining honesty, he added, "I went there twice last week, and I hadn't seen anyone there. Nor did I see anyone there this Tuesday, which was one of the same days that I had gone last week." Emorie dipped his head again in apology. "I should've been more careful and not assumed."

"No, it's alright. There's no need to apologize. If you hadn't been there, my daughter might've received worse injuries." Despite her answer, there was doubt in Richenda's gaze as she peered over to her daughter. The whole interaction only was raising Emorie's own suspicions. "Besides, my daughter usually goes to a different bathing area. She must've wanted to try somewhere new, and that's why she slipped." Her tone held no forgiveness in it, and if anything, it seemed almost like Richenda was mocking her daughter. Emorie noted how Jetta seemed to want to curl into a ball and hide.

Folding her hands in front of her, she dipped her own head to apologize. "I'm sorry for this." Before Emorie gained a chance to apologize again, she continued, "But, I shouldn't keep you here any longer. We'll return your shirt once I've washed it for you." Her optics went over to her daughter. "Jetta, the boots."

Not hesitating, she took them off and shyly handed them over to Emorie, who dipped his head in thanks before he slipped them back onto his own feet. "Thank you again for helping my daughter." Richenda finally stepped aside so that Jetta could enter her home. "Jetta, aren't you forgetting something?"

Pausing, Jetta turned to face Emorie. "Thank you for helping me, Sir Emorie." Her eyes didn't meet his as she bowed, and she went further into the house before she had to say anything else. Jetta hurried off into her bedroom, which she shared with her older brother, and he thankfully wasn't inside so that she could have some time to herself. Her ears, though, caught the sound of her mother wishing Emorie well and him responding in the same manner before her mother closed the door. Jetta brought her knees to her chest as she sat on her bed.

That couldn't have gone worse! Her own mother had embarrassed her in front of Sir Emorie, and her methods to try and seduce him seemed to have no effect. If anything, she had a feeling that she might never get close to him again, either because he wouldn't let her or her mother wouldn't let her. Part of her wanted to put the blame on Jacob and Hester, but she had promised, and she felt that things might only become worse for her. Clearly, her mother already wasn't on her side and knew that something was odd with her bathing location. Most likely, her father wouldn't support her either nor would her older brother since they would think her bathing spot strange too. They'd all be against her. If she couldn't even convince her family that there was nothing odd going on, she wouldn't be able to persuade the village that she had no part in formulating the plan, let alone blame Jacob and Hester for it.

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