The Outcome

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Drawing his hand back from hers, he rested it on his right thigh. "But, it will be difficult due to our schedules, and I can't just stop working for fear of them interfering in our lives." A deep frown appeared on his face. "I do know one solution that would keep them at bay for awhile, but ..." His eyes met hers, and she had a feeling of what he was getting at.

"I would need to talk to Jacob and stay away from you for awhile, right?"

He nodded, and she stared to her lap as her hands tightened their hold on her dark blue skirt. "But, I don't want you to." Now, she glanced up and over to him. "It's not safe. If you speak with him and he's on his own, I ..." A worried sigh went past his lips. "I don't want to think of what might happen, what he might try. And, it won't work in the long run."

His fingers tightened around the cloth of his trousers. "If you came back, talked to me and went back to how things are now between us, it would make that whole time of you avoiding me worthless because Jacob would catch on. He'd go back to what he's doing right now. I don't think that he'll stop until we're separated, and your attention is focused on him."

"Then, should I avoid Jacob entirely?" Fear slithered through her veins at what her childhood friend might do. "What if he gets angry and lashes out at you? It could be worse than what happened today."

"It's the same as before. Just don't let yourself be alone with him. If someone else is around, like your parents, you should be fine." He furrowed his brows in thought. "The hard part will be when both of us leave our homes." His fingers tapped against his thigh. "We could coordinate our outside activities around each other."

That would make her feel safer, especially if Jacob was working with Hester. Today hadn't been anything physically harmful in a sense besides Jetta ... crashing into him. That still irked her, but she pushed that anger aside for the moment. Planning out what to do in the future was more important right now so that neither of them got caught off guard.

There was a clear issue with that plan, though, and she felt heat rise to her cheeks. "Would that be for every activity?" She would've made the suggestion that she do laundry and take a bath with other women in the village, but she didn't know them that well. After what Jetta did, she didn't know if any of the other women might try something.

Another option was to go with her mother, but her parents often went bathing together. (F/n) knew that her parents would understand the situation, though, and her mother would come with her if she requested, but what about her father? Her father could go with some of the other men, but he often kept to himself. Their whole family did, except for trade. Ever since her father had agreed to let her mother do the work for trading, he had separated himself from other men in the village since he grew tired of them asking him why he was letting his wife practically run the household.

Jacob's father was a bit more understanding, despite him running the household traditionally, but (f/n) didn't want her father hanging out with Jacob's father right now. A tension probably existed between the two of them due to what Jacob had been doing recently. Plus, her parents had made known some of their distaste for Jacob the one time he had come over, so he might try to harm them through his father. She didn't trust Jacob's father enough to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he wouldn't try to help out his son. With that in mind, she didn't want to create a situation where one of her parents would be on their own in the middle of the woods.

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